
    The quick way to get intense eyes – even on the go. | Clinique Quickliner for Eyes Intense: review, photos, swatches

    The product: Clinique Quickliner for Eyes Intense

      ↳ in Intense Black, Intense Plum, Intense Charcoal, and Intense Ivy.

    The application: Okay, so, not the easiest pencil to get on – depending on the look you’re going for. I usually wear fairly clean eyeliner, with a bit of a wing at the end, and these are a bit terrible for that! I sort of have to get it on, then grab a liner brush, and smudge it into shape.

    If you’re looking for a smokey, sexy, smudgey eyeliner, though… well, look no farther. These smudge like a dream. The buttery sort of dream, which probably revolves around desserts and has a plotline worth about 1200 calories, and ends with the dreamer eating an entire cheesecake or rolling around in butter or something.

    Seriously. They’re the butteriest pencil liner I’ve ever come across, which is terrible if you’re going for a precise line, but absolutely wonderful if you’re a fan of a softer, smokier line.

    The wear: Unfortunately, the wear is the one thing about these liners that’s not up to par. With my oily monolids, I can get only five or six hours out of these before the colour starts to transfer – and that’s with primer and powder eyeshadow underneath. (For my lids, that’s about on par with other popular long-wearing liners, like MUFE’s Aqua Eyes, but definitely less than what I get with a good liquid liner.) If a liner can’t hold up for at least ten hours, I’ll definitely think twice before wearing it – even if the product’s this pretty!

    I do have really picky lids, though, so don’t write these off without giving them a go. I have actually read very positive reviews about the wear time of these, so I guess it’s another “your mileage may vary” type of product!

    Swatched L-R: Clinique Intense Black, Intense Plum, Intense Charcoal, and Intense Ivy.

    Indirect sunlight, no flash.

    The shades: When Clinique said “Intense,” they weren’t joking around. The Quickliner for Eyes Intense liners come in six shades, four of which are featured here – and yeah, they’re pretty damn intense. (Missing from this post are Intense Chocolate and Intense Midnight, a rich brown and a dark blue, respectively.)

    Intense Black (01) is an opaque, cream-finish black with absolutely no shimmer. Intense Plum (02) is a playfully sparkly dark violet – tons of very finely milled violet and blue-violet shimmer interspersed in a creamy black base colour. Intense Charcoal (05) is a gorgeous gunmetal grey with incredibly refined silver and gold microshimmer – think “brushed metal” rather than “shimmery”. Intense Ivy (07) is a dark olive green with gold shimmer – very, very pretty.

    Clinique Quickliner for Eyes Intense in Intense Black, Intense Plum, Intense Charcoal, and Intense Ivy.

    The packaging: Clinique has done a surprisingly clever (not surprising because it’s Clinique; surprising because it’s so perfect) job of packaging these liners, keeping the shape and function of the Quickliner Intense range, but making them different by colouring the tubes correspondingly.

    What really gets me, though, is that they’ve factored in shimmer, too: like the shades inside, the packaging of Intense Black is completely shimmer-free, while Intense Charcoal‘s tube is slightly metallic, and both Intense Plum and Intense Ivy are wrapped in shimmering colour. Talk about attention to detail!

    The verdict?

    They’re good, but… they’re not quite there yet. Clinique’s Quickliner for Eyes Intense formula is buttery, blendable, and (just as promised), really intense – but it doesn’t have the wear that I’d want out of a liner.

    I don’t want to write it off completely, though, because I do find the formula to be quite unique. If you don’t have difficult lids, these would be the perfect way to get the look (and creaminess) of a gel liner, but with the convenience of a pencil – something that I don’t feel has been achieved by anyone yet.

    Keep reading! »


    Tips for beauty bloggers: Let’s talk curves.

    The Photoshop kind, not the body kind. (But hey, if you want to talk humans-with-curves in the comments, you go right ahead. The world could use a little less skinny ’round here! Just keep it PG-13, you hear?)

    Long story short, I’ve been working on a Clinique Quickliner Intense review, and I’m halfway done, but I’m really, really tired. So, you’ll have to wait until Tuesday for that, but this: this, you can have now.

    A sad, lonely, unedited March snowfall photo.

    The basics

    This isn’t actually an in-depth curves tutorial; rather, I feel like I need to periodically remind people that they exist. They’re ridiculously easy (and ridiculously handy), and can be used in anything from vignetting, to increasing contrast and brightening up photos, to doing that hipster-faded thing.

    Curves – brighter (think of it like a screen layer), darker (think of it like a multiply layer).

    Unless you’ve gone and inverted your axes, pulling the curve upwards is going to add brightness, an S curve is going to increase contrast, and pulling the curve downwards will increase shadows. Dragging the endpoints inwards will add a more harsh change; think of it as brightening or darkening the shadows, rather than the midpoints. A curve in which the lower point is farther from the x=y line than the upper point will decrease contrast, doing that old-photograph thing that people seem to be into at the moment.

    Curves – more contrast; less.

    Keep reading! »


    Silicone-free at the drugstore | Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Clear 2 in 1 Shampoo review, photos

    The product: Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Clear 2 in 1 Shampoo

    As those of you who have gone ‘cone-free will know, finding silicone-free haircare for under $20 apiece can be… well, difficult, to say the least. More often than not, formulas (particularly conditioners and styling products) will rely on silicones to give hair that smooth, slippery feeling, and the ‘cone-free ones come with price tags around $50 (plus hours of your time on the silicone-free hunt) for the duo.

    On top of all that, I’ve been itching for a 2 in 1 for those I’d-rather-be-sleeping mornings – so, finding out that Garnier just put out a new Pure Clean shampoo + conditioner? It was a bit like waking up (very groggily) from a good dream.

    The clear, slightly greenish formula (a lot of that super-green colour is from the plastic, not the product) contains no silicones, parabens, or dyes, and comes packaged in a 50% recycled material PET plastic container – which is the most recyclable form there is, for those of you who (like me) would rather research polish than plastic. I’m not huge on the drugstore fresh! scent, but at just over $5 for a 384ml bottle, I can’t really complain.

    As for how a clear 2 in 1 is for the long term? I’m not sure yet, but things have been going pretty well so far. The clear, super-sudsy formula has had me a bit on edge, though, so I figured I might as well have a look at what’s inside – a lot of conditioning agents will make products go milky or opaque, but maybe Garnier’s found the magic formula to keep things clear and conditioned.

    Let’s talk ingredients…

    Keep reading »


    Don’t miss this | Vivienne Westwood SS12 beauty remix

    For my most recent She Said Beauty tutorial, I was asked to do a wearable reinterpretation of Vivienne Westwood’s Spring/Summer 2012 (Gold Label) runway look. For those of you who haven’t seen it – that’s not the easiest of tasks.

    I ended up going with red, gold, and coral eyeshadows, plus a touch of gold and black liner. See the post here on She Said Beauty for more photos (plus a tutorial, & product recommendations), or head behind the cut for product swatches, ramblings, and… I don’t know, some other stuff. Sometimes (read: most of the time,) I get carried away.

    Keep reading! »


    Physician’s Formula pH Powered Lip Gloss review, photos, swatches | We found love in a… pH-balanced place?

    The product: Physician’s Formula “pH Matchmaker” pH Powered Lip Gloss in Light Pink

    (We’re three lines in, and already this post has an overabundance of pHs. Oh dear.)

    So, basically: this is the most unexpected have-to-have-it product that I’ve come across all year. Possibly in the last few years, to be frank; my expectations were low at best (er, sorry, Physician’s Formula), but the product inside knocked my socks right off.

    Let’s start by talking about the packaging, shall we? Because it’s the little miscreant that set said expectations so low.

    The packaging: Lots of pink, a mirror, and a light-up applicator. It’s… well, it’s a lot of things, and not one of them is up my alley. Pink? LED lighting? It all seems rather tacky, to me, and it turned me off this product in the beginning.

    Admittedly, people who are less picky about their products are going to find the mirror quite handy, but I carry a mirror in my purse anyways – I’d rather ditch the bells and whistles, if it means a lighter, sleeker product. And the LED is useful, if you’re standing in a completely dark room, but if you’re standing in a completely dark room, no one can see your lipgloss anyways.

    (I’ve never really understood the need for light-up beauty products in this regard.)

    Swatches, ingredients, & why it’s quite possibly a Holy Grail product… »


    New 19/03/12

    I feel like I’m crawling out of a three-month hiatus. *crawls crawls crawls*

    Here, take these new-product-widgets and run as far as you can, as fast as you can. I’m going to go hunt down some berries or salmon or something (bears eat berries and salmon, right?), but if you get in my way — I can’t be held accountable for any damage or lemming-creation that occurs.

    New in fragrance

    New in… all that other beauty stuff


    A diverted St. Patrick’s Day post | Two (four?) surprising green eyeliner dupes

    So, I was going to do another colour post for today – in green, of course. But while I was swatching the eyeliners I’d picked out, I came to the (rather startling) realization that they were more or less two sets of almost-perfect green eyeliner dupes.

    And this, of course, absolutely begged to be covered.

    L-R: MAC So There Jade, Marcelle Caribbean, Clinique Intense Ivy, Marcelle Metal Green.

    (Click to enlarge!)

    On the left, we have MAC’s Powerpoint Eye Pencil in So There Jade and Marcelle’s Waterproof Eye Crayon in Caribbean, two iridescent aqua-green longwearing waterproof liners. MAC describes So There Jade as a “light green jade,” but I call bullshit – I’d say it’s more of a metallic seafoam green than “jade,” and I’ve been to China.

    (See, that’s funny, because jade is “the” Chinese stone, but you don’t actually have to be Chinese to recognize that Jade is typically, well, green, with perhaps a bit of blue.)

    (… and now we’re making tongue-in-cheek jibes at hipster racism and the fact that it is WRONG, ANDERSON, WRONG! at ten o’clock at night. Sherlock references and passive-aggression at the beauty industry over sexism, racism, and orientalism: just a regular Saturday at theNotice.)

    But, back on topic. Caribbean is So There Jade‘s prettier, smarter twin sister – she’s smoother, better priced, and more opaque. The Marcelle is a little brighter and bluer, but honestly, there’s no contest: if you’re in Canada (or you’re ordering Marcelle online from the US), go with Caribbean!

    Marcelle Lux Metallic Liquid Eyeliner in Jade over the straight swatches, and alone on the far L&R.

    Other eyeliners in the same order as above: MAC So There Jade, Marcelle Caribbean, Clinique Intense Ivy, and Marcelle Metal Green.

    On the right hand side of the swatches, we have Clinique’s Quickliner Intense in Intense Ivy (a recent release – review of the formula soon!) and Marcelle’s Waterproof Eye Crayon in Metal Green. And you’d expect that I’d be all over the Marcelle again, right? Because that would only make sense.

    Content on theNotice rarely makes sense, though, so then there’s that. (I’m sorry, I’m so sorry; I can’t seem to be able to turn off the meta tonight!)

    While startlingly similar, the differences between Clinique’s Quickliner Intense and Marcelle’s Waterproof Eye Crayon are more varied, both in shade and in performance. Intense Ivy features a creamier formula, easier to apply & with a more complex shade, but Metal Green is cheaper, water-resistant, and makes it through more of my sixteen hour days.

    As for which one I’d recommend? Well, that depends. If your lids aren’t too oily, go for the Clinique Quickliner Intense – the buttery texture is to-die-for, and the more nuanced shade of Intense Ivy is (har, har) really intense. It’s more black, more green, more metallic, and contains tiny gold flecks that just take my breath away. If your lids are oily, though, opt for the Marcelle Waterproof Eye CrayonMetal Green is still breathtaking, and wears much better on my lids.

    I should probably start rambling about now, but there’s one last thing we have to go over: I compulsively add Marcelle’s Lux Metallic eyeliner in Jade to all of my green liner swatches. It’s a bit of an addiction, admittedly, but can you really blame me? It’s gorgeous. 


    For a green swatch post that actually managed to happen without getting sidetracked, here’s last year’s St. Paddy’s mini-post: Green swatches for St. P


    You NEED this: Clarins Instant Light Blush | Vitamin Pink review, photos, swatches

    The product: Clarins Instant Light Blush in Vitamin Pink

    I’ve been waiting for Clarins Spring 2012 for a very, very long time. Seriously – the Gloss Prodige line has been close to the top of my wishlist since November. That all said, though: now that the products are out, it’s actually the Instant Light Blush that’s really caught my attention. It’s a blush! And it’s pink! And it’s liquid, you guys; it’s liquid!(It should probably be mentioned, though, that I haven’t yet found time to test out the glosses. So, it’s entirely possible that I’ll be tooting an entirely different horn in a week’s time.)

    The packaging: Clarins’ Instant Light Blush comes packaged in what’s slowly overtaking their line: hopelessly chic, gold-accented rectangles. It looks a bit like a short, stout gloss, which (to be entirely honest) couldn’t be more perfect. It features a large doe-foot applicator, which might bug some – it can be hard to get out of the container, and I’m sure someone out there is having a minor breakdown about liquids packaging and bacteria. (Seriously, though: I know powders are sanitize-able, but who actually sprays down their personal products with alcohol every two weeks? And how dirty is your face to begin with?!)

    Vitamin Pink vs. two Gloss Prodiges

    The shade: Vitamin Pink is a lovely, bright, clear rose with plenty of gold iridescence. It gives a really natural, sheer pink flush, and it embodies the picture-perfect spring cheek perfectly: the gold microshimmer is small enough that it never looks “disco-ball,” but (paired with the way the Instant Light formula sinks into the skin,) it creates an incredibly believable dewiness. Basically, it’s the perfect way to pick up your skin after the long winter. (And, well, if you live in a place where winter isn’t long — don’t even talk to me.)

    Swatched L-R: Clarins Gloss Prodige in Raspberry and Candy; Instant Light Blush in Vitamin Pink (heavily/blended.)

    (Same swatch order, but unfocused & in direct sunlight.)

    The formula: The format of the Instant Light blushes is what really gets me – though Vitamin Pink is absolutely lovely, it wouldn’t be half as addictive without being a liquid. It’s a bit like a fluid moisturizer, and blends into translucence like a dream. That being said, though, it does layer quite well! It’s a bit deceiving, with how easily the formula blends away, but you really can build it upto an impressive flush.

    The verdict?

    Basically, you didn’t even have to read this review – you just had to give the title a glance. You need this; you really, really do! I’ve spent years blending fluid moisturizers with liquid lipsticks, cream lipsticks, and cream blushers to get exactly this effect, but Clarins pulls off liquid blush flawlessly (and with the added bonus of cute packaging.) At $28 CAD, yes, this is on the pricey side. The Instant Light blushers are still cheaper than a NARS powder blushers (if only barely), though, and I’d reach for this over Orgasm any day. The shimmer is so much more refined, and there’s something just so about this liquid formula – it really does create a lit-from-within flush. Here’s to hoping for a few shimmer-free Instant Light blushers in the future! Bonus points if there’s a berry shade ;) <

    Ingredients & more »


    Don’t miss this | Contoured eyes + red lips tutorial

    More here or if you click through the images!

    Sorry theNotice itself has been lacking in looks recently – but, hey, one a week on SSB is way more than the norm! (Because, okay, I’m kind of lazy busy.) For those of you who haven’t been clicking through: it’s the same quality of photos, the same face, and the same aesthetic, just… with the added bonus of a written tutorial. So get clicking, my silly geese! 

    (In other news: I’m still ridiculously excited that I can take photos after the sun’s gone down, and not have to turn on my flash. It’s hell to explain, though, which is why the tutorial has been MIA as well – video on it soon, potentially! It really just depends how easy/hard that would be to organize, but we’ll see.)
