I tried something different today: instead of just using an eye look as inspiration, I decided to do it on my monolid, and then use the same look for double (normal) lids! It was definitely fun, and not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be (as this one’s vertically, not horizontally, blended.) Tutorial here.
The promo that inspired the look:I know that my camera white balances very warm/bronze in DIRECT-direct sunlight (as in, oh-g0d-my-eyes-are-burning sunlight), and I wanted that bronzed look to match the promo – so I took the finished photos in this lighting!
Here’s my mum’s eye to start with. I did mine first, and hers about two hours later, so it was dark by the time we finished hers! I had to bump the ISO to 400 in order to get a clear image, so please excuse the noise! I really loved how her eye looked very purple from one side, and very gold from the other!For the record, she’d never wear something like this out of the house – nor would I force her to! I know she isn’t the optimal age for this look, but she’s the only double lid I have easy access to, so dammit, I will take advantage of that fact! :P
Hope you enjoyed the post! I had SO much fun doing a similar look on a monolid and a double lid – it was definitely fun making tiny alterations for the different lid types!