
    NARS Summer 2011: now online

    Alright, so I know that we don’t usually post about collection launches – but this is one of the exceptions, mmkay?

    I’ve recently become fixated on the new NARS hilighter, New Order. With the cult-fave Albatross, it’s one of just two products listed on the NARS “Hilighting Blush Powder” page, but it sounds so very… blush-like!  It’s listed as a soft pink with gold and silver shimmer, and because I haven’t seen any swatches yet, I really have no idea what effect it would give (though my guess is that it will look somewhat like a more finely-milled version of Lancome Glowy Ballerine).

    In and of its own, I don’t actually think it’s that interesting – but I do think it’s a rather curious choice to be NARS’ only other hilighter. I would have expected something more a long the lines of a gold or a peach, first, though I suppose they do have quite a range of liquid and creme illuminators for that purpose.

    Anyhow. Curious!

    P.S. Here’s the rest of the NARS Summer 2011 details:

    • EYES: Trio Eyeshadow in Cap Ferrat, Duo Eyeshadow in Dogon and Exotic Dance, and Soft Touch Shadow Pencil in Queen
    • LIPS: Lipgloss in Wonder, Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Bolero, Pure Matte Lipstick in Carthage, and Lipstick in Mayflower
    • CHEEKS: Blush in New Order
    • NAILS: Nail Lacquer in Écume and Kismet

    The eye and nail products are all limited edition, the lip products are all permanent, and the hilighting blush is being introduced as a new permanent item.


    EOTD: Hot pink eyeliner

    Alright, so I’ll  be honest with you: today’s post was supposed to be a FOTD, and quite an interesting one at that, because we haven’t done one for a while. But (as you all know by now), I feel the need to compulsively Photoshop my images before they go up… and I’m feeling kind of bored with my face, so I didn’t really feel like looking at it again today.

    I know; it’s weird. But don’t you ever just have those days where you’re like, damn, I’m bored with my face? *shrugs*

    Anyhow, much like my insatiable urge to draw on a moustache, I was feeling the need for some hot pinked winged liner. I don’t actually have any hot pink eyeliners, so I ended up using Annabelle Pinked on a thin, angled brush (Ecotools, out of this set), and I must say – it worked out quite well!

    In the end, I patted a bit of MAC Fuchsia pigment on top to see if it would amp things up a bit, but I really didn’t notice a difference. Turns out, the two are actually quite similar in tone (but not in finish)! To prep for the liner and help it stay put, I started with a touch of primer and a thin layer of MAC Blanc Type all over the lid.

    Get the look…

    Pinked is no longer available, but Annabelle is currently doing Dollywood and ChiChi Girl. However, these two are also LE (and Canada-only). So, for a more accessible hot pink, try:


    A few paraben-free favourites

    I should really be studying right now, but I’m procrastinating taking a break, so instead: here are a few of the products that my lovely sister is using at the moment! She’s the entire reason that we have a “paraben-free” category on theNotice, and she turns 21 today, so I thought they deserved a shout-out, at least.

    It didn’t go nearly as well as I would have liked, of course (I may just flat-out give up on creating collage-style widgets; it really doesn’t mesh with my super-OCD tendencies), but never you mind that tiny little hiccup.

    So… happy birthday, Ri! I hope you don’t hate me for announcing your very advanced age very important coming-of-age-day on the interwebs.

    Clinique, Estee Lauder, Make Up For Ever, Clinique

    A few of my paraben-free favourites from the drugstore:

    • Marcelle Rouge Xpression lipsticks {here} and cleansing water {here}
    • Annabelle Volumelip glosses {herehere}
    • German Nivea Creme! {here}
    • Hard Candy Glamoflauge {here}
    • Revlon Super Lustrous lipsticks {here}

    What are your paraben-free loves?


    Tips for beauty bloggers: surfaces and backgrounds

    After weeks and weeks a few days of deliberation, I decided to start with “the setup” as our first “tips for beauty bloggers” post. There are a ton of things that I’d like to cover, from exposure to focusing to blur brushes and healing brushes and unicorn brushes* and cameras, but this one seemed to be the most general… so we’re starting with it.

    Disclaimer: the posts in this series reflect my own views on photography and Photoshop. There are about a million and five ways (that’s a real statistic, that is) to do any of these things, but these just happen to be the ways that I, personally, like to do them. So please, please, please – take everything with a grain of salt!

    Alright. So I understand that you can shoot on (literally) anything, whether it’s a bathroom countertop or a rhinoceros’ back. But here’s the thing: you really, really shouldn’t. Chances are, the rhino will eat your pretty new lipstick, and the shot will be ruined.

    Here are a few lists of backgrounds to consider – there should be something in there for everyone!

    If you’re shooting… something small

    – A white tabletop is my first choice, though a black tabletop or a large piece of white or black bristol board are also good options.

    – A standardized background, like a bed of rocks, wrapping tissue, or grass. I’m not a huge fan of this, because I think it tends to distract from the product, but some bloggers manage to make it work!

    A press release: simple, relevant, and easy.

    Your cat! That is, if he or she will stay still long enough… (kudos to Karen at MABB for putting it into practice and bringing it onto everyone’s radar, of course).

    If you’re shooting… something standing

    – A lightbox. This allows you to stand up your products and maintain an “infinity effect,” not to mention that it helps with lighting! (And speaking of lighting – we’ll talk about lightboxes more when we post about it, and perhaps share a DIY.)

    – A white surface and a white wall. It doesn’t have the lovely seamlessness of a lightbox, but is the next best thing!

    – A clean window ledge. Mine aren’t flat so it isn’t usually an option for me, but Karen does a lovely job with this if you’re looking for examples.

    If you’re shooting… a face

    – White-backed curtains! I cannot stress enough how absolutely amazing these are. Not only do they create a single point of focus (your face), but they basically create a giant lightbox. The result? A ridiculously flattering photo, every time.

    – Tee hee, the twelve-year-old in me is quietly gleeful over being able to use “your face,” on its own, in a non-offensive manner.

    – White walls – best if you shoot with flash support, as there are very few walls that are close to windows, and optimal for medium to dark skintones to make your face really “pop”

    – Dark backgrounds – best for fair skintones and/or hair colours… but don’t attempt if your camera is really low-contrast!

    – Light, light, light. This is a hard one to get right, consistently, but it can lead to just the most divine images. This is as close as I’ve gotten, but damn, I’d love to figure it out!

    A few of my pet peeves

    – Messy backgrounds and bathroom countertops. Whether or not you throw your clothes on the floor is your business, but splashing it all over the internet? Unprofessional, and potentially embarrassing!

    – FOTD shots taken in the car. Just… all over, no. Whether you’re a passenger or the driver (!!!), it always either freaks me out or creeps me out. It’s not that hard to wait a couple minutes and take it when you get out!

    – Dirty products. I know, I know, it’s not a surface, nor is it a background, but I had to at least give it a mention! If you’ve already used the product, take a minute to wipe away any astray product with a tissue or q-tip. It’s always, always worth the extra effort.


    Any more tips? Questions? Hit us up in the comments! I still have a plethora of topics to cover, but… all in good time ;)


    Clarins Vital Light Day

    The product: Clarins Vital Light Day Illuminating Anti-Ageing Cream (all skin types/lightweight version).

    The cream: The first thing you notice about Vital Light Day is that it feels a lot like a product with silicones – thing is, it doesn’t actually have any! In a clever blend of stearates, triglycerides, and shea, Vital Light Day manages to mimic the velvety, matte-finish texture characteristic of deliciously lightweight silicones… think “whipped primers” (like this one by M. Asam), rather than heavy gels (Smashbox Photo Finish, anyone?)

    With my fine lines (from chronically dry skin, rather than age), I’m really partial to the finish – it’s ridiculously silky, and I feel like the moisturized, hydrated effect helps “smooth out” the appearance of my skin. The closest description that I can think of is this: it’s a bit like taking a blur brush to your skin at 30%. I know, I know; not exactly helpful if you’re not familiar with Photoshop, but that really is what it reminds me of!

    Alright, so not the best representation of the effect it gives – but I hope you get the gist of it!

    The packaging: Vital Light Day, like all Clarins products, is packaged in a simple-but-luxe fashion. The lid turns onto the base with a smooth, secure twist (no issues with the threads catching), and everything feels very solid – perfect for leaving on the counter top, but too heavy for a handbag. Which, I mean, really shouldn’t be a problem; it’s a day cream, not a hand cream!

    The ingredients:

    Try it if: You’re looking to disguise fine lines, or find your skin looking dull. I really do think this lives up to its claims of “reducing the appearance of wrinkles and restore luminosity from within,” which is a nice change in this day and age!

    It’s also a fabulous choice if you’re on the hunt for a gorgeously lightweight silicone-free moisturizer – they’re far and few between, so if you have room in your budget for something like this and are alright with a light (but unyielding) fragrance, don’t let it pass you by.


    Silicone-free liquid foundations: an updated list

    I realized that we haven’t updated this list, so here we go again! This list contains only liquid foundations (no cremes, powders, or tinted moisturizers), and runs approximately from the least to the most expensive. As usual, feel free to let me know in the comments if you’ve found any others.

    Ingredients for all products can be found in the title line of each link. Just hover your mouse over the price to see it!

    Additionally, if you would like to share our list of silicone-free liquid foundations, please link directly to this post. It takes quite a few hours of work to create a post like this one, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could refrain from replicating any or all of the content — thank you!

    Physician’s Formula Sun Shield Liquid Foundation SPF 15, $5.95.

    CoverGirl Clean Liquid Makeup, $6.99. *Not all shades are silicone-free

    Physician’s Formula Organic Wear Liquid Foundation SPF 15. $13.95.

    Marcelle True Radiance Make-up SPF 15, $14.95. Discontinued

    Almay Pure Blends Makeup SPF 15, $15.69.

    Ecco Bella FlowerColor Natural Liquid Foundation SPF 15, $22.95.

    FACE Stockholm Liquid Foundation, $36.00.

    Dr. Hauschka Translucent Makeup, $36.95.

    Living Nature Foundation, $37.00.

    100% Pure Healthy Skin Foundation SPF 20, $41.00.

    Laura Mercier Oil-Free Suprême Foundation, $42.00.

    Zuii Organics Flora Liquid Foundation, $44.95.

    Nvey Eco Moisture Rich Fluid Foundation, $45.00.

    More silicone-free beauty…

    • Silicone-free category on theNotice {here}
    • Silicone-free creme foundations {here}
    • Silicone-free moisturizers {part one} {part two}

    PLEASE NOTE: I am working on updating this list, but it won’t be for some time now! Here are a few foundations that are missing from this list:

    • Juice Beauty Perfecting Foundation, $35.00.
    • Kett Hydro Foundation, $30.00.
    • Bourjois Bio Détox Foundation, $17.00.
    • Lavera Natural Liquid Foundation, $27.00.

    GIVEAWAY: get summer-ready skin with Dove

    Abouta  year ago, we ran a feature on Dove’s Men+Care Shower Tool – I’m not sure if anyone else remembers the comments thread, but I loved it! The reason why is simple: turns out, a ton of you had KP as well! I loved being able to share a simple, effective solution with you, and it was great to find out how common it is.

    So… what’s KP? If you haven’t heard of it before, Keretosis Pilaris is a skin condition that involves rough, often red bumps on the skin. It affects about 40% adults (and even more children), and is usually found on the thighs/bottom and the backs of the arms. It’s nothing to be concerned about in most cases – just a bit of a nuisance! (Stats via Wikipedia.)

    But I digress! The point of this post is that Dove Canada has offered to supply a giveaway, and one of our lovely Canadian readers will have the chance to win a Shower Tool of her own (plus a tube of their new shower gel). After all… why should the men get all the good stuff? ;)

    The shower gel

    I had meant to review the shower gel before running the giveaway, but ran into a bit of a hitch – it’s supposed to be the Sensitive Skin scent-free version, but I actually still find that it’s lightly scented (with that sort of “indiscriminately manly” fragrance). However, it does lather well, and is fairly conditioning for a men’s product. Of course, it doesn’t measure up to something like Olay Quench, but it’s way less harsh than a bar of Ivory!

    I do have one of the new shampoos sitting in my shower a well, so I’ll try to get that review up soon… I’ve actually really been liking it recently!

    FYI: both the new shower gel and the shampoos are silicone- and paraben-free ;)

    Win it

    To win your own Dove Men+Care Shower Tool and Sensitive Clean Face and Body Wash, here’s how to enter:

    • For one (1) entry, follow theNotice on GFC and comment on this post with your username.
    • For one (1) entry, follow theNotice on Twitter (@thenotice) and comment on this post with your username.
    • For an additional entry, feel free to RT the following: Canucks: get summer-ready skin with Dove and @thenotice! Giveaway
    • For an additional entry, let us know why you’re interested in the shower tool in your comment! (Whether it’s because you have KP, or you want your man to give these a try, or you just plain ‘ol like exfoliating…)

    This giveaway is Canada-restricted and ends in one week. You must be 13 with parental consent (or 18 without it) to enter.

    This giveaway is now closed. Thank you all for entering!

    Good luck, everyone!! x


    Get blushing (on the cheap) with this 10 piece palette

    The product: OMG Beauty Shop 10 Piece Professional Blush Palette, $15.95 (same as the Coastal Scents price)

    The shades

    I’ve heard that a lot of these are MAC dupes, so I’ll be sure to list those – but first, I want to talk about the shades in their own right, because they are lovely! My favourites are the mattes, of course (all but the second shade on the bottom row are matte), though the shimmery shades give a great “glow” without being too disco-ball.

    top row; indirect sunlight; no flash

    In particular, I’m really hooked on the first shade of the bottom row (it’s satisfied my lust for MAC Hipness, which I missed out on), and the second last shade of the same row. The latter is pretty much fluorescent in real life… gorgeous! When applied with a light hand and blended very (VERY) well, it gives a really bright, fun, pinked-from-within cheek.

    bottom row; indirect sunlight; no flash

    I don’t necessarily agree with the MAC dupes I found online (they weren’t made to be dupes; it’s just that some of them happen to be similar), but here they are all the same:

    Top row: Blooming, Sincere, Pink Swoon, Devil (pro), Refined Golden (bronzer)

    Bottom row: Coygirl, Sunbasque, Fleur Power, Full Fuchsia (pro), Strada (disc)

    (I don’t remember Strada looking like that at all, and many of the finishes are off, but the list does help to give you an idea of what to expect! Just… promise me you’ll take it with a grain of salt. And not hunt me down when they’re not 100% dupes.)

    The quality

    My main concern about this palette was the quality – could something so cheap actually be any good?

    Find out! »
