
    A bit of an important message…

    So this camera can actually shoot pretty impressive video… but I don’t know how to do that so the following is utterly terrible. I’ve scrapped the video on the whole, but these are the most important few seconds:



    (Please excuse the super-weird face at the end!)

    Basically, I’m here to give you ladies a bit of unfortunate news, because I’m a Debbie Downer. I’ve been having health issues over the past little while, which I’m not really going to explain in great detail (unless, as I said in the clip above, you’d like me to).

    Further explanation in an audio clip because I’d rather not keep typing: A ramble for your Friday (My apologies that you have to download; I can’t figure out how to embed this. But I promise the file is clean and all that!)

    If you’re interested in finding out more about rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, here are a few links might help:

    Much love,



    Giveaway: calling all cat-loving beauty addicts!

    What it is: Honeycat Cosmetics Hiss Good Nite Lipgloss

    The packaging: Alright, so I like the chic, squared-off tube, and I think the cardboard cylinder it’s sold in is adorable – but I have one complaint. The tube itself is totally unlabelled! I guess it’s alright at the end of the day (I, at least, will never get this confused with anything else in my stash), but it’s a little weird. Factory blem, perhaps?

    The gloss: Honestly, the photos say it all. If you love an über-glittery pink gloss, Honeycat is the way to go. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it is literally the most glittery lip product I’ve ever seen or heard of! It’s definitely not for me (I feel a bit like a small child who’s gotten into the wrong makeup stash), but if you’re into glitter (and yes I do mean GLITTER), then this is a must-have.

    Other things to love:

    • The moisture – surprisingly, this does a wonderful job of keeping my lips hydrated!
    • Lightweight and really non-sticky. (Which, of course, I love.)
    • Absolutely no animal testing.

    But watch out if:

    • You don’t like to be able to feel your glitter. Obviously, with particle sizes this large, you’re going to be able to (no matter who makes it!)
    • You need your lip products to be totally scent-free. I can’t quite put my finger on what this smells like, but I’m guessing it’s from the mango, kokum, and shea butters?

    Win it

    Glitter-lovers, this is your lucky day! Honeycat Cosmetics has generously offered another tube up for giveaway, and it’s open internationally (adherent to your country’s regulations). There are two ways to enter…

    1. Follow @thenotice on Twitter and leave a comment on this post (be sure to leave your Twitter username!)
    2. Follow theNotice through GFC, and leave a comment on this post (and again, be sure to leave your GFC username!)

    And, of course, an opportunity for an extra entry – (re)tweet the following:

    Calling all glitter-lovers and cat-lovers! Follow @thenotice to win a frisky @honeycattweets gloss. Details

    EDIT: This giveaway is now CLOSED! Thank you all for entering, and we’ll see you soon with a fresh one :)


    Review and swatches: I’d let Benefit’s new Ultra Shines shades frisk me…

    What it is: Benefit Ultra Shines lipgloss in So Frisk Me (new this spring, but not limited edition)

    The gloss: I’ll admit that I was skeptical about this one at first – anything with “ultra” or “super” in its name usually makes me a little suspicious (I blame Burts’ Super Glossy line). In all honesty, though, these really are ultra-shiny! I don’t like wearing a lot of product on my lips, simply because I find it uncomfortable, but So Frisk Me leaves my lips quite glossy with just a light layer of product.

    Now, keep in mind that these are scented (unlike most of my favourite lip products), but it’s a light, fruity scent – and for once, I don’t mind at all! They’re flavourless, though, which is probably a good thing… because I’d totally want to snack on them if they tasted the same as they smell.

    The shade: So Frisk Me is described as a “gilded berry,” and is one of four new nude shades (it’s the least “nude” of the bunch, though!) The others are Nudie-Tude (goldspun twist), Nooki Nookie (opal glaze), and Patootie (oyster pink). Now, I’m not sure about the other three, but I’d say that this one is medium-sheer to sheer, in terms of opacity.

    From L-R: Nudie-Tudie, So Frisk Me, Nookie Nookie, Patootie

    While So Frisk Me has more glitter than I’d usually go for, I still do like it – the glitter’s really finely milled, so it’s not gritty, and the gloss is well-formulated, so the glitter doesn’t migrate down my chin (ahem, Rimmel StayGlossy)!

    The verdict? I’m on the fence about this oneSo Frisk Me is a great colour, and I love the scent and packaging of the Ultra Shines, but $23 is a little high. If it these were either a little cheaper (say, $18, which is the US price) or more moisturizing (all the reviews I’ve read have said they’re quite moisturizing, but I personally found I really needed to layer lip balm underneath), I’d give them the go-ahead… but as they stand, I’m just not sure!

    Try them if… your lips aren’t chronically dry (mine are), or if you find a shade that you really, really love.


    A moment of silence for Senna Kinetic

    While prepping a FOTD post for later this week (you can check out a teaser here), I realized that my go-to favourite shadow, Senna Kinetic, has been discontinued. In retrospect, I’m actually pretty sure I found this out before, but that doesn’t make my suffering any less legitimate!

    (At least… that’s what I keep telling myself.)

    Kinetic was actually a duo shadow in a fairly large pan, and I’ve shown you the violet side in the past, but it’s really only the silver that I’m going to miss. Like all Senna shadows, it was buttery and blendable, and even though its frost finish could be a little *too* much sometimes, I still absolutely adored it.

    Oh, and here are two old looks that I’ve used Kinetic in:

    1. Smokey blue-grey eyes (aka the “sex kitten eye,” thankyouverymuch Arianne),
    2. I’ve got the silver-blues (scroll down)

    Are there any LE/discontinued shadows that you just love? And more importantly: can you think of any dupes for Kinetic? :P


    Ulta Molten: another delicious chocolate brown shadow

    Meet Molten, a lovely brown eyeshadow with a healthy serving of gold shimmer. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and currently on sale for a mere $3, so I honestly don’t think I need to say much more than that!

    The gold flecks in Molten made me think of Annabelle Tiger-Eye, at first, so I swatched them together, but it also reminds me of another favourite – the amazing Ellis Faas E104. Obviously, Molten has nothing on the Ellis shadow’s bulletproof wear, but at literally less than a tenth of the price, I’m willing to forgive that little fact.

    Ulta Molten (wet/dry), black shade in Annabelle Tiger-Eye (wet/dry)

    indirect lighting, no flash support; cloudy


    Off-topic fluff

    Alright so I really wanted to do this tag but I haven’t a tumblr account, so I’m posting it here! I actually hadn’t meant to create it at all; I was just going to see what three things I’d come up with and leave it at that… but then they were all so awesome that I couldn’t not do it.

    The prompt:

    1. Go to wikipedia, click random article. That is your band name.
    2. Go to, click random quote, the last 4 words of the last quote is the album title.
    3. Go to flickr, the 3rd picture in “Interesting photos from the last 7 days” is your album cover.
    4. Go to paint, paintbrush, photoshop, ect and make your album.

    And of course, the credits: meme found on saniday’s tumblr (which I love), Wikipedia, Random Quotes, and Jason Wright-St Clair (what a gorgeous photo!)

    What would yours be? If you create one of your own, I’d love to see the link in the comments! Or, if you’d rather just provide links to your three results (Wiki, Quotations Page, and Flickr), that works too ;)


    FOUND: a fix for a dry scalp!

    A few months back, we reviewed Diane Lai’s Rejuvenate moisturizer, and I thought I’d give a quick update on it! I’ve been using Rejuvenate more as a cure-all than a regular ‘ol face moisturizer recently, and it’s been absolutely amazing. Because it’s so lightweight, I can do a lot more with it than I can with, say, German Nivea (which I adore, but it’s just so darn thick!)

    Of course, I’m still not a fan of the strong lavender scent, but I am loving it for my hair and scalp. Like the rest of my skin, my scalp is quite dry, and it’s uncomfortable a good 98% of the time. I was convinced for the longest time that I had dandruff, but in reality – I just have phenomenally dry skin.

    (The difference: dandruff is caused by a fungus, and produces large, sticky flakes. Instead, my scalp often feels tight, and I get tiny dry bits, like when you have a dry patch on your face.)

    For the past little while, I’ve been massaging Rejuvenate into my scalp before going to bed once or twice a week (two pumps of product usually does the trick) and showering it out as normal in the morning. The result? No more dry bits, and my scalp – for once! – doesn’t feel at all tight and uncomfortable.

    Right now, I’m feeling like Rejuvenate is my own little godsend, so (of course,) I had to share it with all of you! It’s the only product that’s helped my scalp so far, and because it’s ‘cone-free and lightweight, it doesn’t irritate my scalp or make it break out (TMI, but yes, really silicone-y things have made it do that in the past). It’s also making a great leave-in hair lotion during the day (I work in a half-pump to a pump while my hair’s still pretty damp), so I’m a happy camper.

    For all of you lovely ladies that have gone off silicones with me, this is a must-have!


    Green swatches for St. P

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, lovelies! (Eep, let’s pray I’ve got the date right…) My apologies for the quality of the photo; I took this late last night in some pretty awful lighting. Hope it’s helpful all the same :o)

    Top, L – R: MAC Tease ‘n Teal, MAC So There Jade¹, Marcelle Metal Green², Marcelle Jade³

    Bottom, L – R: theBalm Jealous Jordana, Marcelle Amazone, Annabelle Rainforest, MAC Humid


    ¹ Powerpoint Eye Pencil / ² Waterproof Eyeliner / ³ LUX Metallic Liquid Eyeliner


    EOTD: blackened violet and green

    Get the look…

    To form the base of this look, I used FaceFront Nylon Garden (gold-green) and Shadow Keeper (blackened violet) Artistic Pigments, foiled with no base. Then, to add depth to the corner, I added theBalm Jealous Jordana (blackened green) to the outer corner and blended well.

    I wanted a bit more green in the look, so I used a 217 to add a touch of MAC Humid (brighter medium green) to the outer corner, and took it along the outer half of the lower lashline with a dry angled eyeliner brush. (The inner corner is Shadow Keeper, again.)

    To finish off the eye, I added  MAC Vanilla (pigment, not shadow) to hilight, smudged L’Oreal’s Black HiP Creme Liner along the waterline, and drew a thin line with Marcelle Very Black Liquid Eyeliner Pen along the top lashline before adding falsies.

    Finish off the look with…

    Doesn’t exactly say “spring,” does it? Oh well, I love it anyways :P

    P.S. I really didn’t love how the falsies looked in the looking-down shot, so umm… lots of liberal photoshopping. I hope you can forgive me!
