$20 on sale last fall at Urban Behaviour.
So The Body Shop just came out with a mineral line. It’s on sale on the US and Australian sites, but there is no evidence of it in Canada!
Has anyone tried this line, or had the chance to look at it? You all know about my unbridled love of the Body Shop :P I’ve sent their PR an email already, and I’ll let you know why we don’t have it up here once they get back to me!!
Up until two days ago, I had never used a black eyeliner pencil on my upper line.
My cousin and I were in the bathroom doing our faces a few weeks ago (she came to visit for the weekend) and she looks at me, stunned, as I tried her brush-tipped liquid liner. “Oh my god! How are you so good at that??!?” Little did she know, it was my first time with a brush tip.
The first liner I used was just a black eyeshadow pan, applied with a wet art brush. (I still like to do this on days that I want a soft finish. The brand has scratched off the shadow, but I remember it being on sale for $2.50 at the drugstore – and after over two years, I literally have not touched 98% of the pan. It’s amazing.)
It’s never been pencil for me. Always either pan/cake, pen, or liquid… and I’ve never had any difficulties getting the perfect line. (Check out the last photo here if you need an image of that.)
Do you have any liquid eyeliner horror stories? I was blessed with the ability to apply it in one clean stroke, flawlessly and evenly… but it sounds like the rest of you weren’t!
Also, I received the perfect liner in a swap the other day – more on that once I can find my SD reader.
Little things can really “make the room”. The following is my tissue box – I’ve been using this design forever. At the same price as a regular box, a tissue box that goes with your décor is worth looking for!And if you find the perfect box, but it’s a little on the expensive side to be buying all the time? Here’s a neat trick I picked up from mom: using a long, sharp, knife (I used an exacto knife), cut open one end of a new (plain) tissue box and one end of your pretty empty one. Take the tissue from the new box and transfer it into the pretty box! Seal with glue – keep in mind, if you use liquid or stick glue, you should put the box on the end that is drying overnight, to make sure it doesn’t open itself back up.
The other thing that’s going to help you is learning to buy organizational items at the dollar store. We’ve got a great Dollarama by our house, and we depend on it for nice, cheap boxes, and cheap bubble envelopes (my parents do a lot of shipping for their small buisness). This box was a dollar, and it’s built no better or worse than the $5 boxes at craft stores like Michael’s. And it’s gorgeous, is it not?!Storing stuff in cheap, pretty boxes gets rid of clutter, without you having to throw it all away. But make sure you know what’s going where when you’re filling your boxes!! (Or, you could sort your items first and file them into labelled boxes.)
Ha! So apparently the Norwegians are coming for TVT, a giant volleyball tournament held every year by my school (one of the advantages of being one of the largest high schools in western Canada)
They come every year, and everyone swoons. Who wouldn’t, though? Dashing, tall, blonde, and athletic…
I want to make these, inspired by Martha Stuart. The first is a ribbon storage box, and the latter a charging station. (tut on the latter, just follow the link) God, I’m lame. I should be clubbing and having fun, not doing weekend projects like a lame-ass fortysomething burnout.
On the other hand, everything will be clean! I love clean!
The exchange students made it to our school on Friday.
As expected, the girls are all unfairly gorgeous and from what I can hear, there’s one guy that everyone’s going crazy over (pity I don’t have any classes with the boy he shadows…)
September 26th, 2007, theNotice was born. Since then, we’ve done our fair share of things.Our first review, of the delicious Body Shop Cocoa Butter stick.
When we told you about our weight issues. I’m still dealing with this, and getting nowhere. It got better, but that didn’t stick. We started at 112, slid down slowly to 105, 104, 103. We plateaued on 102.4 for the longest time, and hit an all-time low at 99.7 pounds.
We were diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-Whyte. In retrospect, it was the best and worst possible thing that could have happened to me. Why? Because I fell in love with it. And now it’s gone.
Our family is so pathetically fucked up that it makes me want to scream, or cry, or possibly just take a tumble off the roof. And it’s all your fault. Thing is… if you weren’t here, it would be great. You know why? Because Dad‘s never home, mom‘s my best friend, and my sister can be just what you need some days.
Started attaching lyrics to not only blog posts, but also people. This post; Stars.
Realized what I want, and what I cannot have.
We fixed your frizzy winter hair and shiny faces, not to mention saving your skin as you age by tipping you off to a great new sunscreen.
Found (and showed you) two really fantastic contour blushes.
We feel excluded every Sunday morning…but really, what are we missing?
Found a holy grail blusher. And even gave you a brush rundown so you can put it on every morning.
Talked about Sarah Palin, and it was well-recieved.
I scare myself shitless every night. Being hunted by serial killers that are mailmen and also demons. Killing my best friend. Having to pick only one person to save. Sending a little boy to hell. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Gave you guys a few awesome tutorials.
Tried to sell necklaces, put out some pretty cool series.
We ranted about age for a while. Told you about our baggage and our past classmates (as well as our current ones), and retold the story that can be summed up in two words: assault rifle.
Showed you a cool new liner, as well as a cult classic lippie.
Realized that, at then end of the day… I am broken.
But most importantly?
Over the year, I’ve grown to love theNotice. I mean, I started talking for both of us, for god’s sake. The amount of beauty content has been upped, but not for you – for me. We’ve networked and made friends, and refrained from turning a profit… it’s still undiluted honestly, weather I’m talking about makeup or making up.
I’ve definitely grown and changed as a person, and theNotice is growing up right next to me. We’re in it for the long haul.
Just how far have we come?
Everything still feels the same, but everything feels different; page hits are staying relatively low, but there’s been an influx of great minds and fabulous people – the hits now have faces and names and emotions. Sure, the numbers are similar, but you’re all very different. You’re all so very real.
Posting is still the same, but feels so different; I say what I want, when I want, how I want to. I’m not restrained not limited. But there is so much more to say, now – I can write about an entire new world, a beautiful new world, of cosmetics and products galore. Or, on the other hand, of the dazzling new world I feel like I’m in, learning to let go.
So if the hits and posts are the same, but they feel so different, just how far have I come?
Far. Farther than the top of the mountain and farther than the rift in the ocean; I can see forever and it looks so lovely.
The more I wrote about me, the more I realized that unless I changed, nothing else would. And the more I wrote about beauty, the more I realized how much I love it. So I changed to accommodate both. I dropped full IB, giving me 250 more hours of free time over two years without the mandatory CAS hours. It gave me a foreign new feeling, that of normality – I’m no longer one of the “elite” IB workhorses, I’m just your regular partial IB student.
Why did I drop it, though? Not the time, not the pressure. It’s all about the love I was talking about. Dropping IB Biology meant three more credits – paired with the three I had kicking around, I created space for Cosmetology 20 – Colouring. I’m going to finally do something I love, instead of something I feel I have to do. I’m going to be colouring and bleaching and giving facials and doing makeup instead of cutting open fetal pigs, and that’s okay with me. That is so okay with me.
I’m going to do Psychology in University, instead of Psychiatry. No one will look at me in awe, and I won’t be able to flaunt years of medical training. But I’m going to be deal with normal people and normal issues, and I’m going to be able to talk them through the worst times in their life. I want this. I don’t truly want Psychiatry; I know I can’t live handing out pills to mentally unstable strangers. I’ll make a ton less, but I won’t have to kill myself in school and I don’t need to stress over marks – it’s an Arts, not a Sciences.
And maybe I’m going to do another thing that I want to do. Maybe I’ll be a freelance makeup artist to get myself through University, instead of working some low-end retail job. So how far have I come? What is the difference between me today, and me a year ago?
Today, I’m brave enough to do it.
3 free Zoya polishes – of your choice!! Rules and restrictions in the image.Vote Obama, folks.
Why? Well…
I’m sorry if this post offends you guys – and I would love to hear who you’re voting for and why in the comments!! Feel free to tell me why I should support McCain, or why you also support Obama.
Promise me you’ll vote. I can’t wait until I’m legal!