I’ve always wanted Costal Scents to do a blush palette.
Well, they finally have.
I’ve always wanted Costal Scents to do a blush palette.
Well, they finally have.
Tagged by Amanda over at Cusp of Normal, though you may know her as Mermanda (because she’s cool like that, lol!)
Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I keep a dream diary. Yup… that’s me. The most recent entry had something to do with an underground network beneath my school, cults, and being trapped in said underground network which somehow linked with Chinatown. Also, the rooms were small and white with low ceilings.
2. My pastime, aside from blogging, would probably be photoshop. Not making things pretty and doing collages, though – I airbrush in my free time. (Send me photos if you want them done! I’m getting so bored of working with the same faces over and over again.) Lame? Yes. But I’m pretty damn good at it for a newbie with zero training, not to mention I don’t even have CS and a pen-mouse-thing. (!!!see bottom)
3. I made a blueberry flan once and it tasted like foam to me. Everyone else loved it, though, so I guess it couldn’t have been that bad. It just seemed so frothy and soapy…
4. Two of my favourite fruits are white nectarines and white peaches but I rarely-if-ever eat nectarines and peaches.
5. I love a good London Fog but sometimes they taste like dirty dishwater when they’re not made perfectly. Dirty. Warm. Sudsy. Dishwater. Ew.
6. Quirk – I find it very hard to sit like a normal person. I’m almost always either crossing my legs (the normal way) or I’m cross-legged (the five-year-old way). School desks make the latter difficult at times; however because of my diminutive stature they often almost accommodate it. Unlike my sister, though, I can at the least touch the ground with my feet.
And now! I tag the amazing ladies behind:
a watercolour sky
blah.suzie (Suzie)
Snark Scribe
all the pretty shimmers (Audrie)
Fabulously Broke in the City (so FB can open tag the rest of the world ^^)
Best Face Forward (Melanie)
!!! from #2
My current project follows. I was trying for pure, gorgeous (yet age appropriate… sorta) with strong themes of anonymous beauty. Tired, but with a spark that’s glowing so brightly it hurts. They’re not done yet, though, so please don’t be harsh! Click to enlarge. (And yes, Grace, that is me.)
Also: borders or no borders? They all have the black up/down borders in photoshop but I’m not sure if I like them more with/without. Speak to me!
I told myself that if I checked my Winners faithfully, like religion, I would eventually find what I was looking for.
What was I looking for?
Pureology Glossing Mist. It smells amazing, and I’ve been hunting it down ever since my stylist used it on me about a year ago. *note: it smells gross in the bottle, like alcohol, just like everything else. So, when buying shine sprays and the sort, surreptitiously spritz some on another bottle, box, lid, etc, and sniff in a few minutes.
We don’t get great cosmetic deals in our Winners (like a TJ Maxx) or Costco stores, but we do get some great hair and body care steals at Winners. (Costco, not so much. Get your act together, please. The most awesome set you have is by Physician’s Formula, for god’s sake!)
$15, bitches. Retails for $30.
heh. Got bored partway through that word.
Anyhow… I have received 34 hits via people googling “peasant”.
Erm… that was the first time I remember saying it on theNotice. I am confused….
And also:
peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant peasant!
So I love my EDM Swimming Pool blusher. It’s just… who really has time to deal with a loose powder blush at seven in the morning?
Still during summer vacation, I found time to press it. (Lord knows I don’t have time for much of that right now!) And I’m finally getting around to posting it!!
Start with your materials.
I didn’t have a pan to press it in… so I filled in the holes of the lid with hot glue and used that!!Dole in small scoopfulls of your powder, and drop in tiny bits of alcohol. Use an eyedropper if you have one, but I just poured a tiny tiny tiny bit on my spoon and let the drop fall into the pan.
You end up with this:Let it dry until it’s just barely moist to the touch. Put on your paper towel, then the coin. Press down hard!!
Let it dry overnight, just in case.
At this point, you’re done!! But because I only pressed half my blusher, I was left with this:So, you know me – I popped the pressed blusher in and now I have a pressed layered on top of its powder counterpart!! I love it, because that means if I for some reason want some loose blusher, it’s right there. Not to mention, it looks v. cool.
I will be ordering a full-size or medium-size to press, soon! The mini is so, so tiny, and you can layer with any container that has both a sifter and space underneath.
Note: I find that when I use this, it crumbles a lot. After a ton of googling, this is what I can tell you: a lot of minerals, unlike pigments from places like MAC, don’t have the right composition to bond together well. If you want something more solid, try switching your alcohol for a pressing medium!
For $35 you can purchase mini tubes of TEN different mascaras. I’m loving the idea of these sets, but I’m holding out for a set that contains mascaras I’ve always wanted to try, like Fiberwing and Dior Show.Contains:
I had time today to put together another tutorial for you.
Instead I stared at my naked face for a quarter of an hour. My bags are dark; darker than the inside veins of my wrist. I don’t remember my cheeks being this hollow, though I must admit that it looks striking and I like it. My eyes are so bloodshot it stings; looking at them, it’s hard to look away.
The rest of my spare time was spent curled up on my bed, and I watched the wall until it blinked.
I’ve been talking to another girl who, coincidentally, has my nickname as her actual name. At first I was so jealous – I saw her as what I could have been. On face level she’s me, but her huge eyes and full mouth make her exceedingly prettier. Her friend group is swarming; they’re the “popular Asians”, the pretty ones that always look like they’re having so much fun. She’s on the Students Union and seems so loud, so clever, so funny.
Her brother has down syndrome; he’s eight. She looks so lost in space when her friends aren’t distracting her; sometimes she’s in so much pain that you can see it (if you look.) Her parents want her to be a 90 student; a nurse. But that’s not her.
We sit next to each other in French; a fluke by all means. My seat partner dropped the class and she came too late to sit next to her friends. Every two weeks we have a French verb test, out of fifty.
The first one she barely scraped by; the next few she managed seventies. I told her that she could manage fifty, easy – she just needed to study the formations. For me, that’s normal – nothing above or beyond.
Today, she got a 49, plus a bonus mark – an even fifty out of fifty.
What upsets me is that she turns to me and starts thanking me profusely; this has made her more emotional than I’ve ever seen her. She hugs me and I’m wondering why – all I said was a basic “you can do it”, because I knew she could.
And she says:
No one’s ever told me that before.
I’ll try this out for about a month – if you guys aren’t answering in the comments, then I’ll cut it. If you are, then more power to us! I can’t wait to hear your answers :)
This week’s question is an easy one, but some you will have to think pretty far back.
What was your first beauty purchase?
Mine was a CG Smoothers concealer, which I still use today!
I had a minute to pop into a (freestanding) MAC store during my lunchour! What I looked at, and my thoughts:
That’s all for now! My day was pretty shitty, aside from that. How was yours?
I just feel so tired. Rushed. Bored.
And I would say more, but I have to go.