
    While my computer is still broken…

    …can anyone help me pick out a quotation? I need to have one chosen by tomorrow night, and I just can’t seem to settle with one of them! Just let me know which one resounds the most for you =)

     Thankfully, my computer isn’t in this bad of a shape.
    Wait! I take that back. If it looked like this, I betcha the tower would be just fine, and then I’d be a happy camper. 

    The three quotations in the running:

    1. “The glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time” – Camus
    2.  “Live to the point of tears.” – Camus
      Alternate: “Vivre… jusqu’aux larmes.”
    3. “There is no mystery anymore. There was a time when you would dream.” – Nars

    And, lastly — if anyone for whatever reason knows the originals of the translated quotations, please let me know what they are! I feel wrong using translations, and I don’t want to simply translate them back (as things may have been lost in different ways to translate words,) but I can’t seem to find them in the original French. Thanks lovelies!


    Some Red for V-Day and Chinese New Years

    Happy [insert either holiday here], ladies! ;) Here are a few quick pictures of my Smashbox brushes (4, the concealer brush, and 6, the lip brush; discontinued). They’re both wonderful; stiff-bristled and reliable without being scratchy. Would I recommend them? Yes, but only if you were to buy them in a set or on sale — while I like them both and reach for them all the time, they’re not blow-my-mind incredible.

    (Yes, I needed some filler photos while we still try to get my computer to work. These ones seemed appropriate, in red and black!)

    With 4 in mind, I’d like to note that I rarely actually use it as a concealer brush, or for cream shadows! Instead, I find that it makes a great flat shader brush if you’re foiling or swatching products. It’s not that this brush is awful with cream products, it’s simply that I prefer a fluffier brush when working with creams and liquids!


    More of what’s new while we continue to sort out computer issues

    You know, for the past month or three, I’ve been posting every. single. day. And, quite often, two or three times a day. Just thought I’d mention that, because it surprised the heck outta me! :P As usual, click on the photos to get to their respective product pages.

    Violet + pink + ombré + blush? Duh, it’s Rae… = lemming!!!

    I’ve been dying to check out Lipstick Queen, and this set would be a great way to start, non?

     Is it just me, or does this palette seem very un-Laura-Mercier-ish? And for that matter, very un-“Zen”-ish?

    Oh, and lastly — I’m so intrigued by this Balenciaga fragrance! A floral violet with peppery notes and decent silage? Mmm, sounds amazing.


    My skin-diet… and finally achieving "perfect skin."

    I took this photo for the Fiberwig review, but chose to give it its own separate post… it’s about time we talked skin. What makes this photo different from all other FOTD photos on theNotice is that, while it’s only a half-decent photo, it hasn’t been retouched, and I’m not wearing foundation. (Just a bit of blush, some lip balm, a touch of concealer under my eyes, and mascara.) Normally, due to the retouching, I can’t take credit for my skin… but today I can, and it’s wonderful!!

    Keep in mind that flash on the XSi is really quite flattering. Plus it does this crazy thing where it like, GIVES you eye makeup. As I said, crazy.
    And feel free to enlarge.

    As many of you know, I dropped dimethicone (and all other silicones, for that matter) in mid-November of last year. Check out the pros and cons behind the cut!

    The pros: Well, duh: my skin is looking fantastic. While I still have blackheads around my nose (you can’t really see them in this photo, but I promise they’re there and quite prevalent in real life, unfortunately) and I do get the occasional zit — usually one or two minor ones each month — my pores are practically invisible, and I no longer get awful white bumps that take ages to come to a head, turning red and incredibly irritated for days after they do.

    The cons: Not using silicones is a hard task! It means I have to skip all of my favourite primers, I can’t use my favourite shine serum, and almost all foundations are off-limits to me… including the gorgeous MUFE HD, which in 117 matched my skin perfectly. Scanning each and every ingredients list is a pain in the arse, especially when you find out you can’t wear that item — which happens very often. Even my new moisturiser ended up having dimethicone in it! (And I really, really liked that moisturiser.) I’d warrant to say that about 95% of skincare, haircare, and liquid foundations have silicones in them, and it’s hard to give up 95% of your choices!

    What I am using: German Nivea, Marcelle’s AC-Solution cleanser, TimeBalm concealer, pure silica powder… and no foundation.

    The verdict? For now, I’ll be sticking to my “dimethicone diet”. Do I miss being able to wear products like a normal person? Uh, yah. But is it worth it? Absolutely.


    Those darn elusive Viva Glam bags

    Alright, so here are the basics: yes, they do exist, and yes they will be sold in-store… but only in the top 25 stores! They’ll be on the MAC online site by the end of the month, though, so don’t fret if your store isn’t on the list.

    The woman I had contacted mentioned that (if your store’s on the list and you’re lemming one,) you should call ASAP and reserve your bags — I thoroughly second this! I have a feeling they’ll sell out crazy fast, especially the Gaga one.

    Edit: What we do know about the bags is that they’ll be $25US/$30CAD, North America only, and are set to be released in stores on the 25th. However, we’re not sure if they’ll re-stock, or what they’ll look like! (We do know that the lipsticks WILL re-stock, though. Merci, Viki!) I’ve heard a few rumors that one of the bags may have stripes (like the promo,) but as I said… we’re not sure!

    Check out the list of the stores that will be getting the bags after the cut.

    • Ala Moana
    • Arden Fair, Aventura
    • Brea
    • Fashion Valley
    • Flatiron
    • Florida Mall
    • Forum Shops
    • Glendale
    • Houston Galleria
    • Metropolis Metrotown
    • Millennia
    • North Park
    • Plaza Bonita
    • Pro West Armitage
    • Riverside
    • Robson
    • Roosevelt Field
    • Scottsdale
    • Soho
    • South Coast Plaza
    • Toronto Eaton Center
    • Valley Fair
    • West Edmonton <– mine. Hurrah!
    • Yorkdale

    Another meme

    Sorry that this is a bit of a “filler post,” I did it way back in late December and realized that I hadn’t posted it yet — and, while I’m still trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my computer (it’s not looking so great; I’m currently using mother’s computer) it’s the best I can give ya.


    Are you taller than your parents?
    –Nope…and mother’s only 5’3″!

    Do you have nightmares often?
    –Yes, actually. Not full-blown night terrors per se, but I do wake up multiple times a week because I very much do not want to be in my dreams. (Are there pills for that? There are SO pills for that. Gotta get me some of those!)

    Can you remember what you wore yesterday?
    –My favourite jeans, my favourite tee in black, a purple 3/4 sleeve cardigan from the Gap, and a black pashmina.
    It was the last day before break and I was wiped; can you really blame me?? Sure, everything was super-comfy and super-simple, but I looked cute.

    Two days from now this time, where will you be?
    –Probably right here, actually. This is my daily blogging time! It’s not scheduled but it almost always works out this way.

    You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
    –I want to say eggnogg at this point, but I realize the answer should be “water”. So, um, I guess my answer is water.

    What was the first thing you thought this morning?
    –“What classes do I have today? Hmm… depends… what did I have yesterday? Oh god, what time is it? I’m going to be late! Oh god, oh god where is my phone what time is — WAIT! RAE, YOU’RE IN CHRISTMAS RECESS! CALM DOWN!”
    And then I promptly texted one of my friends with this huge revelation.
    And then I realized it was still three in the morning.
    Sorry, love.

    What was the second thing you thought this morning? (Yes, I just added this one in myself to finish the story. I love stories!!)
    –“Well, it’s been six years. He should be used to all my crazy antics by now.” And it goes to show that my friends are used to the idiosyncrasies of Rae, because the reply was “I know, right? It’s crazy!” rather than “I know, right? You’re crazy!”
    On days like these, I like my friends. They’re good people.

    And a blank for you to fill out in the comments (or on your own blogs, but comment with a link so I can read them!) behind the cut:

    Are you taller than your parents?

    Do you have nightmares often?

    Can you remember what you wore yesterday?

    Two days from now this time, where will you be?

    You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?

    What was the first thing you thought this morning?

    What was the second thing you thought this morning? (optional)

    Have fun! And I hope your week’s going better than mine… my computer’s kaput, I’ve got a cold that just won’t go away, and I’m absolutely swamped >.<


    (Epic) LORAC Lemming

    If you’re going to just do one productive thing today, make it a trip to Sephora so you can check these out right now! The shimmer/glitter particles are just stunning — even 3D, a brown gloss (you all know how much I dislike browns on myself) looked amazing swatched. Pink reflects? Pink reflects?!

    Yes please.


    Fiberwig: a mascara that’s really "all that"?

    Brace yourselves, this is going to be a review of epic lengths… but I promise it’s worth it! And, if you’re lazy, just check out the pictures behind the cut — there are a TON of them — and skip the text ;)

    What it is: Imju Fiberwig, easily the most accessible and most popular tubing mascara (or possibly simply the most popular mascara overall) to come out of Asia.

    The basics: The thing about mascara is that they’re usually based on one of two properties: cohesion and adhesion. A mascara that emphasises adhesion will adhere to your lashes, for instance, regular mascara. So, a mascara that really really really emphasises adhesion? Waterproof mascara. And then you have cohesion — sticking to itself more than it will adhere to your lashes. That’s what a tubing mascara is: it sticks more to itself than to your lashes, which is why it forms little “tubes” around them! 

    Why tubing mascaras are great: Those little tubes offer two main advantages: easy removal with just warm water, and no smudges! (Even if you cry.) Fiberwig in particular is a tubing mascara with fibres in it, meaning there are tiny lash-like pieces within the mascara to temporarily lengthen your lashes in a natural-looking manner.

    My initial reaction: I expected Fiberwig to be “okay”. I mean, it’s incredibly hyped, and I never expect too much for things that form this sort of cult following. 95% of the time, I’m right: the products are good, but not nearly as good as the hype says they’ll be. So, I tried it… and I wasn’t that impressed.

    Turns out I just wasn’t paying enough attention.

    What I found out: You can to a lot with Fiberwig, even with wimpy lashes like mine — depending on how you use that enormous brush! Sure, I wasn’t impressed at first with volume and length, but I loved the advantages of using a tubing mascara, as well as the gorgeous, glossy finish. It wasn’t exactly “patent leather,” but then again, what is? (Aside from patent leather, obvi.) This is easily the glossiest black mascara I’ve ever used.

    Different lash styles — click to enlarge photos!

    The natural lash: zig-zagged from the base to the tips twice, then combed through thoroughly with a clean spoolie. This is what I usually do; I like a very believable, “feathery” fringe of lashes.

    The everyday dramatic lash: for a bit more oomph, you can easily use two coats (drying between applications) and still get clump-free, spider-free lashes…

    The party lash: three coats, whoo! Fiberwig starts to clump at this point, but for the volume, some of you may think that it’s worth it, so I photographed it despite the spideryness.

    The Clumper: on my left eye, I did a “clumpier” lash — I’ve noticed a lot of people like to wear their mascara this way, and while it’s not my cup of tea, I’m not judging! It does look gorgeously false-lash-esque, no? To get this lash while using Fiberwig, just roll the brush away from your eye as you pull up from the base.

    Two last tips:

    1. Some people find that this may flake a tiny bit right after you apply it, so try this: once Fiberwig is totally dry — and we mean totally dry — re-do that “zig-zag” motion a few times with just your finger! It should make any flakes that are going to fall off fall off right then and there, so you can sweep them away and get on with your morning.
    2. Don’t try to remove Fiberwig with an oil-based remover. Water really is all you need; I honestly find that oil makes it stick to your lashes even more. If you’ve layered Fiberwig, remove the tubes with warm water first, then feel free to go back with eye makeup remover for the remnants of your other mascara. 

    The verdict? Well, the makeup junkie in me wants to keep searing, to keep trying out new mascaras. However, my rational half? She knows that we’ve found a holy grail in Fiberwig. It’s honestly a mascara I can dress down for everyday wear or dress up for that “false lash” effect if I’m going out… and hey, if I cry, it’s still all good!
