
    Painted Love: Spring/Summer 2010 at Annabelle

    Single swatches and minireviews of each eyeshadow upcoming ;) Keep your eyes peeled for these — they should be hitting stores around the first week of March!

    (On a totally irrelevant note, what do you think of the word “eyeshadow”? One word or two, ie. “eye shadow”? I can never decide.)

    Clockwise starting with the pinkish red: Pinked, Helium, Toxic Garden, Nymphet

    And one more needless photo, just for the hell of it, because I happened to like the shot… 
    So: what do you think? Personally, I though I’d love Pinked and not really care for the others, but Nymphet was the one that made me swoon! It makes me think of a less crappy Too Dolly, or perhaps even a lighter Aquadisiac. As for Helium — my god, you’ll have to see that one in real life for yourselves. I was expecting another blah neutral shade to compliment the quad, but it’s actually a heart attack in a pan!

    Being a tease…

    Come back tomorrow to see this beauty open, with swatches! Many thanks to the lovely Isabel at Annabelle (I just love how that rhymes — I hadn’t noticed it before now!) for giving us a sneak-peek of these shadows ♥ Can anyone can guess what they are? (Hint: looking through the “.Annabelle” tag might help!)

    On a totally unrelated note, I recently figured out how to make those adorable little hearts on the computer and I just can’t stop.


    B-Ray, the new navy.

    What it is: the shadow I just can’t shut up aboutAnnabelle‘s B-Ray.

    The quick gist of it: B-Ray is in the process of being discontinued, so get to Shopper’s STAT and pick up a pan of it, Canucks! It’s insanely pigmented, buttery, easy to blend… everything you’d want in a shadow. Check out the swatches below; the left is a dry swatch (gorgeous, right?) and the right is a wet swatch (the perfect inky blue liner-shade.) The pigmentation’s accurate, but they’re a little more blue in real life!

    The verdict? I’m already thinking of buying a backup, and I just got this today! I’ve never fallen so hard for a shadow before, and I’m including the Alice palette that I had the opportunity to photograph. We’re serious about this, guys — never will you find another navy this gorgeous!

    Note: like all the other highly pigmented mattes that I’ve tried, this DOES stain quite a bit. I’m guessing it has to do with the fact that normal (shimmery) shadows can use micas and so fourth, whereas mattes rely on dyes, which leave behind a bit of a mark.


    A small update + why you should run to Shopper’s RIGHT NOW!

    (Can you believe that my computer is STILL out of service, so I still can’t post photos? Yah… me neither.)

    Anyhow, I had the opportunity to check out Annabelle’s new spring offerings today — and I have to say, I’m impressed! They certainly live up to the Annabelle standard, and are even more gorgeous in person that they are on the screen.

    I’m going to say it one more time, though: if you were interested in the shadows they’ll be discontinuing, get on that NOW. I checked out B-Ray and Vivid Violet today (my god I want to show you those swatches!) and they’re simply amazing. While Vivid Violet was adorable (more on the “vivid” than the “violet,” it’s like a plummed-pink with gold shimmer,) B-Ray really took the cake. The violet shadow needed to be foiled to release all of its beauty, but B-Ray’s a stunner both foiled and dry! Not to mention it’s insanely pigmented — you know how Make Up For Ever’s 92 is like purplepalooza? Imagine a navy blue vesion of that, but even more pigmented.

    That’s right. B-Ray is more pigmented than MUFE 92. And when you foil it, it’s a delicious inky blue, as opaque as a good liquid liner.

    (Stains like hell, like most high-pigment mattes, but it is SO worth it.)

    The moral of the story is that you should go pick up B-Ray (RIGHT NOW!) before they’re all gone ;)


    Images of Cyndi Lauper’s MAC Viva Glam bag!

    Bag images credit “stilahmazing” on livejournal. This is the Cyndi bag, obviously! Stilahmazing’s store got the bags in earlier today and started selling them — an error on their part, perhaps? I’m definitely under the impression that they were NOT supposed to have sold bags early!

    Either way, here are the photos! As predicted, the bag is in the shape of lips, has her autograph printed on it, and features the same stripes as the promotional poster. The bags are approximately the same size as a 15-pan palette, and contain no separators/pockets inside.

    So: what do you think? Love/hate?

    (Personally, I was expecting something a little more… awesome.)


    Dear Jacob,

    I love you. I do. And I love the lingere in this ad… but don’t you think she looks just a tad uncomfortable? And underfed?

    (Cute shoes, though, and I do like the soft lighting of this shoot.)
