
    When photoshoppers go rogue

    I usually love you, Givenchy. Truly. You almost never disappoint when it comes to promo images, and everything about you is just so luxe and gorgeous. I’ve been ridiculously in love with the images for your last few collections — remember last fall/winter’s Les Poétiques? I still look at that image from time to time.

    However, I do have a problem with this:



    Misikko… restoring my faith in companies after all :)

    A very unexpected email popped into my inbox today, and I feel that it’s important for me to share it with you ladies. So without further adieu, here it is!

    Dear Rae,

    I just read your review and thank you very much for your honesty, believe it or not. […] There have been other bloggers/site owners who have expressed not feeling comfortable with the linking and of course have told them to link as they please.

    As for the iron being defective, I do apologize and can send a replacement […]

    In response to your comments about the Breast Cancer Awareness edition, it is more expensive because those proceeds go to charities .

    If you would like a replacement although it seems that you do not wish to be in contact with us any longer, let me know and I would be more than happy to send one out and would still like for you to host the giveaway.



    Confused? Here’s the background info you may be missing…

    Am I still kind of ticked at Misikko? Of course — you can’t un-ring a bell; this doesn’t suddenly erase any of our earlier emails. I wasn’t the only blogger to feel pressured (or, at times, ignored) by Misikko, and I’m really glad that a bunch of you felt you could finally say something in the comments of my earlier post! However, I’m in complete approval at how they’re handling this situation, and am definitely impressed. Not only was their response polite and respectful, it took every point made into consideration with poise. I must admit, I didn’t see this one coming, but am very thankful that it did occur! 

    Sometimes, it does take some major squeaking to get the driver to change the wheel… but it’s almost always worth it in the end. (Yes, even if you have to risk pissing off a lot, a few, or a bunch of people.) Misikko didn’t have to write me back politely, or even write me back at all, so I think it’s worth noting that they thought this was important enough to take the time to do so. 

    The only problem I still have is the BCA edition being more expensive; I just don’t see how that makes sense. From my point of view, BCA editions should donate money from the profits, not charge consumers more to donate their funds! If that was the case, I’d just buy the normally-priced iron and donate money to the cancer association of my choice on my own!


    Could you be the next Féria Girl?

    L’Oreal officially launches a new campaign to find three ladies to be the next “Féria Girls” next week, so this got the “rush!” rubber stamp. I say we should be rewarded for reading beauty blogs (because it’s so hard,) so you ladies get to hear about it before the rest of the nation! (Those of you who read theNotice regularily know that it takes me forever to get things from my vanity to your screens.) The campaign is open, but it hasn’t really been pushed yet.

    The concept is pretty cool — I’ve always been a fan of marketing that gets people involved, as opposed to “here is a shot of our beer. Here is a shot of a half-naked woman dancing. Go buy our beer,” campaigns. They’re looking for “girls whose hair and style define the trends” … in other words, gals with great hair and super-chic style! If this is you, all you have to do is submit a photo on their Facebook page. The winners will get to be made over, take part in a photoshoot, star in the fall Feria print ad, and go home with an Andy Thé-Anh dress.

    Now. Don’t say I never tell you things ;)

    Bonus hair faux-timeline behind the cut, because… I have hair too. And sometimes, it is in photographs. (This is due to the fact that my scalp is non-removable. Apologies.)



    Bright. Fresh. Clean. Crisp.

    You smell exactly as you should — a standard beige trenchcoat. Not to offend, but at the same time, not to stun. Uniform. A spritz is met with peach, marigold, black currant, green apple; ten minutes are met with jasmine, sandalwood, moss, cedarwood; an hour with musk, vanilla. On my flesh it is the green apple that stands out, a little cheap but not too sweet.

    Even your bottle and tone elicit the same effect. Bulbous, a little boring; a lovable Labrador retriever that really isn’t all that bright. And I do like you, I do, but there isn’t a chance I could wear you for more than a day or two a month. In exceeding this limit you become grating to my nose, reminding me of Be Delicious and Light Blue… and no, love, such comparisons are not meant as compliments.

    I wouldn’t mind being trapped in an elevator with you; can’t imagine anyone who would. (I wouldn’t be the cause for the elevator stopping, though.) For the large part you are entirely unoffensive, and dilute enough as to not overwhelm. I tried to love you, I did… but it can’t be done. I just can’t. 

    I know so, so many people who adore you and your siblings. But you play it so safe, so close to the chest. I need someone more; I need someone with life. I’m past that point where I fear smelling like perfume, past the point where I need to smell like an apple orchid scrubbed clean with bleach. You and I… we were never meant to be.

    Burberry was created by Creations Aromatiques for the eponomous clothing-based line in 1995. For a while, she was known as “Burberry London,” but was renamed in 2005 to make way for newer Burberry scents.

    A long review + rant for Misikko and Hana

    Note: this is the iron from the flatiron curls tutorial! (Feel free to skip the blog post and go right to the video by clicking here.)

    What it is: Hana‘s 1″ Professional Flatiron, pink edition.

    Arrival: The first thing that I have to say? Misikko, the online store that submitted the iron for review, has the cutest packaging — it comes with an adorable black-with-a-white-bow iron mat + storage pouch, and was packaged with an amount of care that I’ve never seen go into a package before. We’re talking fake roses, people! It definitely adds a luxe factor to the iron when it delivered that carefully.

    Pre-use: What I like about the Hana Professional’s cord is that it’s nice and long (get your mind out of the gutter and stop laughing!) with a 360 degree swivel, so I don’t end up tangled and forced to hug the wall while using the iron. However, when I turn it on, the red light begins to flicker intermittently and without a pattern — sometimes, it’ll be on steadily for a few seconds, then go out altogether for a minute or two, and it’s never a constant red light.

    [Sidenote: the site reads that the “LED indicator light remains steady when iron is heating up and will blink when desired temperature is reached. If the light is off but the switch is set to On, the iron is decreasing temperature to a lower setting.”]

    My PR contact at Misikko says that the iron should flicker when the desired temperature is reached and insists my iron is fine, but I’m a little confused by this. Doesn’t that mean that it should not flicker when it’s heating up? And shouldn’t it go out when I decrease the temperature? Plus, on a scale from one to totally random, the flickering pattern of the light is easily a ten — no “blinking” here.

    Additionally, I find that this iron takes quite a while to heat up — I have to leave it for a good five to ten minutes before it’s ready to impart even a wave to my hair. I mean, for the first three or four minutes, I can actually lay my hand on the plates without being in excruciating amounts of pain, which is new for me. It made me feel superhuman before I realized that the iron simply took longer to heat up than I was used to.

    Anyhow, I initially attributed this to the fact that the iron may have simply been damaged in shipping, but the folks at Misikko seem to be convinced the iron is OK, so now I’m just… confused.

    During and after use: If you manage to get past the initial problems of the iron, it’s actually pretty nice, structurally. The plates are smooth and curved, so it’s easy to use the iron to create different textures (not just straight.) Like any good iron, the plates glide over the hair shaft, without catching or getting stuck, and I have no troubles clamping or unclamping (which isn’t a word, but whatever,) the iron itself.

    Odds and ends: My iron also came with a shine serum (which I will unfortunately not be able to review due to the ‘cones!) a lipgloss (which I am loving and will be reviewing eventually,) a few nail files, and a matching, square, pink, heat-resistant mat.  It’s not the most interesting thing to photograph…

    … so I gave it a face…

    (The other products in this photo have been featured here [the lipsticks] and here [the pigments.])

    … and a hat!

    Also, I wasn’t a huge fan of the pink (left,) so I ‘shopped it into the shade of I pink I think it should be. I mean, it would be exponentially cuter as a slightly-dusty baby pink, rather than a not-quite-hot-pink! :P
    The verdict on the iron? Assuming that my iron is in fact faulty, I do think it’s a pretty solid tool. Structurally, it’s sound; the plates are lovely and I do like the iron once it’s been on for a (long) while. However , for $120, I do hesitate to recommend it — it’s not any cheaper than mass-market high-end lines, like T3 or CHI, and quite frankly, I trust the well-known brands more. This iron does come with a 2-year warranty, but even this doesn’t sway me in its favour, with all the troubles I’ve had.
    —Note: the product review ends here.—
    The verdict on the site? While there wasn’t any Doe-Deere-esque drammaramma, I wasn’t happy with the contact I had with Misikko. Without mentioning it beforehand, they insisted on having four specific links in the review after letting me know it had already been shipped. Normally I’d probably be okay with this, but my problem is that they’re not all totally… relevant. If I’m being sent a Hana iron to review, why do I need to link to “Chi straighteners” and “Corioliss flat iron[s]”? And if I’m linking to the Misikko site, it would make more sense (to me, at least) to link “Misikko” rather than “professional straighteners.” (Yes, I’m caving in and linking. I feel obligated; I’m sorry!) I was also asked to link to “best flat iron,” which is the only one that does make sense, as they have the Hana listed as the best overall. Still, I kinda felt like I had been in some strange sort of hit-and-run.
    When I began having difficulties with my iron, it’s not like they cut all contact or anything. However, I didn’t find the communication very helpful, and even right this minute I am still unclear on whether or not I’m supposed to be writing a review! I did offer them the chance to pass on the review and do a giveaway instead, simply because I’ve heard very good things about the iron and would hate to knock a product just because I chanced upon a faulty one. Unfortunately, though, I still haven’t recieved a clear answer — rather, they just keep telling me that my iron isn’t defective*, over and over again.  They explain with the same terminology that the light is supposed to flicker when the iron has reached the desired temperature, and that’s all they really say, even when I told them that the iron flickers the whole time, no matter what, and that it wasn’t the only problem (as my iron also takes an unusually long time to heat up.)
    Lastly, I’m ticked off by the fact that their BCA edition, above, (which is the exact same but touts $25 per sale being donated to Susan G. Koman for the Cure) is more expensive than their normal edition. The list price is lower than the normal price, but the “sale” price is $5 more. (The quotation marks are there simply because the Hana irons are always on sale, not because I’m trying to mock the price or anything like that.) I know it’s not a huge deal, or even a huge difference in cost, but it just seems very underhanded to me.
    So um, yah. The supercondensed verdict is simply that I would not personally order from Misikko, and regret agreeing to review the Hana iron at all — I’ve lost a lot of sleep over it, which I think is both ridiculous and completely needless. They’re like that kid in the back of the class that you just do not like. It’s not like they punched your mom in the face, but you wouldn’t get in an elevator with them, and you definitely wouldn’t help them with their diorama.
    (Does anyone else remember those? I miss doing dioramas!!!)
    I suppose I should apologize to you ladies now, because after a review like this, I’m going to guess that I won’t be hosting the giveaway that we had been planning… but you know what? That’s okay! I’ll give away some B-Ray over the next week or two to make it up to you ;)

    You know you love me.

    *Um, if this isn’t defective, than I’m not very happy with my iron.

    Edited to add: It’s nice (and not so nice) to know that I’m not alone! The brilliant Lisamarie & Christelle at Beauty Crazed have had troubles with the folks at Misikko as well (their iron broke after just one month!), as has my dear Rebecca at Almonds and Apples. While I wish their experiences would have been better… misery loves company, and a shoulder to whine on :P


    A new lash enhancer by Smashbox

    Eeh, so the post title’s boring. I’m tired; bite me.

    Thought I’d share — pre-sales are always fun! After my L’Oreal incident, I don’t think I’ll be trying any lash products any time soon (read: at least for a month or two… gotta love that short attention span!) but the effort’s all there. Will any of you lovely ladies be trying this out? You’ll have to let me know how it goes!


    A tinted moisturiser that’s 100% Pure perfection

    Warning: Please brace yourselves for straight-on photographs of (eek!) my skin without a blur brush. Note that seventeen hours of photo retouching have gone into these photos to remove my beard, plump up my lips and cheeks, push forward my receding hairline, and shave down my jawline.

    (But on a more serious note — the lesson here is “click images to enlarge if you care to see my skin at an uncomfortably close distance!”)

    What it is: 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Tinted Moisturizer, SPF 20

    Why it’s awesome: Oh my god I could go on forever about this. For starters, it’s silicone-free, pretty much scent-free, and chemical-sunscreen-free. Then they have to go and make it even more epic by giving it amazing, beautiful, easy-to-use packaging. Seriously, it’s gorgeous! I’m definitely guilty of leaving it out on my vanity, just to look at it. (A sidenote on the packaging: it’s not just pretty, but it works well too. I never pump out too much product, and the packaging is made so that you can’t contaminate the product inside.) 

    A bit more about it: As promised, this tinted moisturizer gives easy sheer-to-medium coverage. I’d compare it to one layer of MUFE Face and Body foundation — the finish looks completely natural (you can’t even tell it’s there in macro shots, which is eeeempressive!) and it covers up mild discolouration to give that porcelain-smooth finish, leaving things like freckles (or acne scars, boo) visible. It doesn’t feel any different from moisturizer, even though the day. 

    Don’t give me that look; I know you know some foundations end up feeling heavy, sticky, and all-around gross. It’s a sad truth, but it’s the truth all the same.

    Bare skin. (Wearing eye makeup and a touch of lipstick, obviously!)

    The downside: Unfortunately, this amazing amazingness (I know, we have quite a way with words) will cost you a pretty penny. She’s $32US for just 1.8oz, which is comparable to most of the tinted moisturizers in Sephora — but way more expensive than most mid-range or drugstore products! My advice is actually to get on the 100% Pure mailing list* and wait for a special if you can’t stomach the price — it’s in their Fruit Pigments kit right now, but I’ve seen it in one or two other limited-edition sets over the past month!
             *As long as I don’t forget, I’ll let you know the next time (or the next few times) it’s in a set!

     One layer of tinted moisturizer. 
    (You know what’s crazy? I’m not even wearing top liner. And I swear to god I haven’t put on fifty pounds that went straight to my arms. What the hell is going on with these photographs?)

     With powder and blush. Silica makes a huge difference,if you ask me! Aside from translucent silica powder and the 100% Pure TM, I’m not wearing other base products (ie concealer.)


    Just an FYI: From the shade chart (below,) I thought I’d be a match for White Peach — and was a little worried even that would be too dark. But nope! This is Crème, and it’s still a hair too dark. (I know I’ll match it in no time, though. Sometimes accidental tanning happens, dispite our best efforts to prevent it.) And another sidenote — I love their choices of models for this chart! They’re all absolutely stunning, but none of them are “Hollywood blonde” with shaved-down jawlines or fat-filled lips.

    The verdict? Here’s the thing. I’ll hate myself for buying a second tube at $32, but I know I will anyways. (Unless I get distracted and fall in love with something else in the meantime… I can be pretty flighty. The other TM would have to be made out of freakin’ rainbows to distract me from this one, though.) I mean, the ingredients list is perfection, the packaging is gorgeous, the product works well, and do you have any idea how hard it is to find solid ‘cone-free base prdocuts?! Yah.

    Aside from the cost, I can’t find a single bad thing to say about this product. (Psst, 100% Pure? We’d love it if you could knock a few dollars off the price! Under $30 sounds good.) Which is crazy, because I’m one of the bitchiest, hardest-to-please people I know. Not in a mean way (I hope,) but if I’m not happy with a product, I often end up ranting like a madwoman.

    At the dinner table.

    Which is awkward.

    Anyhow. Simply put? I love this!

    Availability: 100% Pure, BeautyIntuition, or perhaps even a local shop! (Try the organic stores and beauty boutiques.)


    Recent obsession: coral lips

    Ever since I saw Christine’s swatch of Lancome‘s Voile de Rose, I’ve been completely hooked on finding the perfect moist-looking slightly-coraled gold-lustre pink. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to dupe the lip look, but the results come out a little differently each time! (This combination of products is happens to be my favourite thus far.)

    Sorry about having to use artificial light — I know it wipes out the colours, but a decent photo is better than no photo at all, right?

    Used: GOSH Darling, Lancome Petticoat Pink (blush,) and Aura Science Star Coral.


    Lash Boosting: Week [zillion and five]

    I stopped using L’Oreal’s Lash Boosting serum a week or two back, despite how much I loved it, and I wanted to share the “why.” Check out the photos below and see if you can guess at it, then go behind the cut to find out for sure! As usual, a reminder: click to enlarge!

    (My apologies for the naked, awkward-looking eye.)

    What are we seeing here? Lashes! Lashes that do not belong! I trust that the Lash Boosting serum won’t harm my eyes (after all, they’re not sneaking prescription meds in there or anything,) but I don’t really feel… comfortable… with having lashes growing on my lower lashline.

    One last thing to keep in mind before you crap your drawers: my lashes droop downwards due to the shape of my eye. Even when curled, the base of my upper lashes touches my lower lashline! I have a feeling this is the reason as to why I’m seeing some strange growth, as you’re quite specifically told not to use this on your lower lashline, but there’s really nothing I can do about it.

    Enlarge for “proper viewing”! The lashes circled are quite thin, but enough to freak me out.

    The bottom line is that I still think the serum is awesome, and this actually attests to its intense awesomeness rather than discrediting it. However, I don’t think it’s for me (even though my lashes were looking great thanks to the serum,) so I don’t plan on picking up my tube again anytime soon.
