
    Dove… spa?

    Were any of you ladies aware that Dove has a line of spas?! Because I totally wasn’t, until this popped up in my mailbox:

    Seriously! A spa! With it’s own line of products!

    *pouts like a small child* I hate being the last one to know stuff. I wonder if the nifty-looking “Flash Dash” or any of their Quench line is ‘cone-free…


    How-to: curling with a flatiron

    I’ve been promising some hair tutorials for ages, and… guess what? I finally got around to it! Here’s just-over-five-minutes of insanity — hopefully you’ll learn something, even if that something is nothing more than “take your meds on a regular basis.”

    I do intend to do more videos in the future, so feel free to make requests for videos! We haven’t really done much since the contouring tutorials, and it feels like that was ages ago. Chances are, if you’ve made requests in the past, I’ve already long forgotten about them. (Memory of a five year old with ADD? Check!) Just to let you ladies know, the adorable pink iron in the vid is the Hana Professional, courtesy Misikko.

    Can’t see the video? Don’t worry — just check it out here instead!

    Hope your Mondays are going well :)


    New at… Sephora

    I cannot wait until this stuff hits shelves in Canada — as you all know, I’m a huge TimeBalm fan! Here’s to hoping this is just as good.

    Now, I wasn’t excited over the original Fresh Sugar ($22 for a lip balm? Are you kidding me?) or Fresh Sugar Rose ($22 for a super-sheer lip balm?) but… Fresh Sugar Plum looks crazy pretty (no, it’s not pretty crazy. It’s actually not that crazy at all.) and I have this feeling like maybe the tint will be a little (or a lot) more obvious…

    Finally, this eye palette? Yah, it’s pretty damn cute.


    A couple awful promotional images

    via the Caudalie sale on (Warning: this sale was a couple weeks ago; I set this post to go up and it… didn’t. Way to get the year right on the scheduled date, Rae. Anyhow, it’s going up now instead!)

    For starters, this woman looks like she’s enjoying her “massage” a little too much:

    (Seriously. If you disagree, just stare at the photo for a couple seconds longer and I’m sure you’ll suddenly find yourself (a) feeling awkward, and (b) in support of this argument.)

    And, to top that off, there is the following image, to which my first reaction was AHH BUGS GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFFFFFFF!!!! 

    (Unfortunately, this is not the first time Glit has posted photos that have fit into our “things that scare me” category. Proof!)


    Travelling with makeup

    Alright, so there isn’t any real “reason” to post this right now — but I keep getting asked the same question, and I’m tired of having to retype an answer each time!

    I’m not claiming to be god or anything (just kidding, I totally am,) but here are my basics for traveling with makeup and skincare. The list can be altered as much as you please, but I hope it’ll serve as a good starting point for you ladies!

    For an overnighter: plan out the next day’s look before going, and keep it as simple as possible!

    • Travel or sample sizes of your day moisturizer and cleanser, and (optionally,) your toner, serum, and night cream. (Don’t have samples? Try this neat trick!)
    • One blush, preferably cream (so you don’t have to bring a brush,)
    • One or two eyeshadows for a quick neutral eye, plus one all-over eye brush if you can’t live without one,
    • A tube of tinted lip balm,
    • Tinted moisturizer and/or concealer, plus powder and brushes if needed,
    • Mascara, liner, and a lash curler!

    For a week-long trip: try to bring versatile products to lessen the load.

    • Travel sizes of your day and night moisturizers, cleanser, toner, and serum.
    • A sample packet or trial size of your exfoliator, or a cleansing pad/washcloth to use in conjunction with your regular cleanser to exfoliate.
    • Two eyeshadow duos/trios/quads : one neutral, and one colour.
    • Two lip colours — one gloss and one lipstick or stain
    • And a tube of lip balm, or tinted lip balm!
    • Two or three different blushes/face colours, plus appropriate brushes (tip: pick two mattes and one sheer shimmer, which can be layered with the others!)
    • Foundation, concealer, and/or powder, plus brushes if needed,
    • Primers (again, if needed,)
    • Mascara, liner (black, grey, or brown — take your pick!) and a lash curler.

    For a month or more: keep the lip and cheek colours pretty versatile, then bring a set of shadows for a dependable neutral eye, plus some colour and fun stuff!

    • Your day and night moisturizers, cleanser, toner, serum, and exfoliator,
    • Two eyeshadow palettes — a small quad of neturals, plus a couple trios or a larger palette of brights/colours.
    • Two all-over eye brushes, two blending brushes, and a liner brush,
    • Three or four lip colours; I’d go with a my-lips-but-better pink-plum, a red, a peachy pink, and a nude… plus a handful of glosses, of course!
    • Lip balm! I’d take one with SPF, one tinted, and a tube of Vaseline.
    • Three or four blushers. (I’d take a matte pink, a matte plum, and a sheer shimmery peach, with two blush brushes.) 
    • Foundation, concealer, and/or powder, plus brushes,
    • Eye and face primers,
    • Two or three liners — I’d take one black, one brown or grey, and one peach (if you tend to use a lighter colour on your waterline.)
    • A tube or two of mascara, and a lash curler,
    • And some maybes: glitter liner, false lashes — y’know, the fun stuff!

    Things you might be forgetting:

    • Sunscreen!
    • Blotting tissue
    • Band-aids and Polysporin
    • Tweezers, nail clippers and files, little scissors, and q-tips
    • Blemish treatments and masques
    • The kitchen sink
    • Wax strips/razors/etc
    • Shampoo, conditioner, soap, and shaving cream