(Actually, to be totally honest, that’s a bit of a lie. I haven’t watched anything on actual cable television in ages. Not that we don’t get it; it’s just easier to download it onto my MacBook than it is to watch it during its scheduled time.)
Anyhow. Just out of curiosity, what shows are you lovely ladies into right now? I expect a full report in the comments!
I’m currently hooked on Covert Affairs (just found this one the other day), White Collar, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Fringe, and Sherlock. And I – think that’s all? Yeah, I think that’s all.
Anyhow, I’ll leave you now with a number of very, very relevant images. Of Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins. Because this is a beauty blog and um, hello, relevance. Sources in the click-throughs; all on tumblr.