
Worth the Hype? Apricot Cleanser

The St. Ives Apricot Cleanser and its scrub counterpart are quite possibly one of the most hyped up cleansers of all time, barring Cetaphil (which I hate, ftr.)

It’s often touted as the cheapest alternative to high end brands, and is said to work wonders for everyone (notice the photo says “all skin types” in caps lock?). I beg to differ. I tried this for three weeks (three! You must bow down to acknowledge my perseverance! How committed I am to this cause!), and did not get the promised results.

Instead? I hated the product, it was thick and didn’t smell so great. It clogged my pores, causing acne (and if you’ve been reading for a while, you’d know that I rarely-if-ever get acne!) to pop up. I can wash my face with simple Ivory bar soap for a week and still have perfect skin.

Needless to say, I hated this product. With a passion. I couldn’t even find a family member that would take it, so I had to throw it out.

The verdict: Not worth the hype!

note: the image is of the scrub, because I couldn’t find a large one of the cleanser! lol

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