(CC 2 was scrapped because it’s tinged a funny yellow colour for no apparent reason)
Stila’s Winter Sale is on – up to 50% off a bunch of products.
Also, the Body Shop’s sale ends on Monday – I must get to the stores this weekend!!
Click on the image to enlarge, or see part one!
Ahh. Holly Brook = love.
So (because everything has sucked so bad recently), mom pulled out a box of Botticelli chocolates. And the Order of the Pheonix.
We watched ootp, and took a bite out of every one of the chocolates. And then we put the half-eaten chocolates back.
I adore my family. :P
Free bonus sample of “The Youth as we Know it” by Bliss with any Sephora online order.
By now, you’re probably all, “why is she so TBS-obsessed?!” Well, here’s my answer.
I adore the store, not so much because of the products (which are great, ftr), but because of the service I always seem to get there. And because even though they got bought over, they still don’t test on animals, and they still support fair trade.
Their salespeople really complete the company. I can wander in, describe my skin type and what I’m looking for, and wander out ten minutes later with a generous sample of the product they think will work for me. And if they can’t think of one, they’ll ask another co-worker – unlike people at, say, Sephora, they won’t just hand you the most expensive thing there and run for the hills.
I was considering their Vitamin C cleanser, the last time I was in, and a salesperson not only made me a sample, but told me a few things about it that were not on the bottle, and she didn’t have to tell me – for instance, it says it’s good for all skin types, but is better on oily skin. And if you have sensitive skin, it may make you red and blotchy. And how you shouldn’t wash more than twice a day with it, or the Vitamin C is too irritating for most skin types.
All of that information was unnecessary, and still incredibly useful – just like their salespeople. They will take the time to tell you the unnecessary, just because the company hires good people. They’re always nice, friendly, and always try to help.
That is why you hear so much about the Body Shop.
She hunts, she smells, she scores! A few days after the Body Shop fiasco, I found the dandruff treatment for me! It’s Pantene’s True Confidence Anti-Dandruff 2-in-1 , and it’s fantastic.It cuts my shower time down drastically, as it is a two-in-one, but it doesn’t suck. My hair doesn’t feel as great as it does with my normal routine, of course, but it is still very soft and shiny.
My favourite parts, though, are the facts that it doesn’t smell funny (just like normal Pantene), and it is very inconspicuous – it doesn’t say T-GEL in big letters, or HEAD AND SHOULDERS. It just sits there quietly and looks striking in its dark-blue-and-white bottle.
Verdict: This is a great anti-dandruff shampoo! It’s not obvious, smells fine, and gets rid of dandruff after a few washes with it (not immediately)
Note: save.ca currently has a coupon for $1 off any Pantene product.
It’s not that I’m headed for the local mental hospital or anything, but I get dandruff in the winter. x.x It’s caused mainly, for me, by my dry scalp – if I moisturise it, the flakes disappear. But then my hair’s all gross, so…!
The first product I tried was a Body Shop sample of their Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. (See how I slipped in links there? I’ve been trying to remember to do so, because when I’m reading blogs, and they post about a product that I want to look into, I hate having to find the site on my own. I don’t make any money off of the links or anything, though, unlike some people.)I hated it. By “ginger”, they really mean it. It smells absolutely wretched! And the scent lingers in your hair, too – even after a re- shampooed with my regular stuff.
However, it worked really, really well. After just one use, all my little flakes were gone!
But honestly. It smelled so bad, and it made my hair flat, drab, and gross.
Verdict: The price is too hight, the smell is too gross, and it’s not worth your money.
Sephora’s next big sample pack is described here.