First off, I want to give a HUGE “thank you!” to the many of you who took the time to respond to our survey. I couldn’t have done it without you! (No, seriously. I couldn’t have. There’s no way that I could have seen into all of your heads and extracted the answers without your help.)
Anyhow… the results. Yes.
As I was saying, the results for the first question were very close together, but base products won out in the end, followed by shadows and liners – which surprised me, to be honest. I always skip reviews for things like foundations, and read the ones about colour products instead ;) I was also surprised to see such low numbers for targeted skincare and fragrances; both are categories that we didn’t originally cover but picked up this past year because there were so many requests for them!
What this means: I’ll try to test out more foundations this upcoming year, and keep on sharing my favourite colour products (or my least-favourites!) I’ll also try to get a few more general skincare reviews in, if possible, and tone down our posts on mascaras and fragrances.

Of course, you all love reviews with swatches (so do I), with makeup looks coming in second, followed by a neck-and-neck affinity for dupe posts and Steals & Deals. That wasn’t much of a stunner, in terms of the responses, but I thought I should ask it just in case!
What this means: not a lot, as I already try to focus on reviews with swatches. Perhaps a few less makeup looks, and perhaps a few more dupe posts! I don’t particularly like doing S&D more than once every week or two, depending on how often the sales change, so those should stay about the same.

A few responses from early on in the survey. Sorry to break it to you, 16, but my being in Canada kind of limits my access to Australian brands :P
I was really interested to hear which price range you ladies are most interested in, and to be honest, the results really weren’t that conclusive: drugstore and mid-range were literally equal for the votes, and high-end just barely less. So, I’m going to keep on keepin’ on – that is, trying to cover a really broad range of products, yeah?
The brands that seemed to get the most shout-outs in the comment box were Urban Decay, Benefit, Revlon, and Annabelle, which works just fine & dandy for me. (Unfortunately, Chanel and Dior lovers, I’ll have to point you elsewhere for your review fix.) What I found really cool was that your favourite brands varied in terms of category, even within each response – that is, there were a lot of answers like “Urban Decay, Clarins, and Wet ‘n Wild,” which really spans the budget range!
I’d also like to give a shout-out to the following comment, and others like it: “I love reading about Canadian products (even though they’re mostly unavailable to me).” Two things to say to that, a) you’re very strange, and b) you’re very awesome. The next time I get my act together to organize a giveaway, I’ll try to slip some Canadian exclusives in there!
Responses to “Anything that you’d change about theNotice?” comments…
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