I get asked pretty often what I use to put together theNotice’s product spreads, and the answer is generally just a simple, basic, “Adobe Photoshop.” What that answer is missing, however, is a quietly reserved, “but it’s an absolute nightmare, and I wouldn’t wish it unto anyone.”
That in mind, here’s a super-basic MAC All About Orange product spread. After talking to Chic Geek co-founder & all-around awesome PR girl Kylie Toh, I’m trying to get accustomed to using Adobe Illustrator for future On Our Radar/The Edit features — today’s spread is a complete aesthetic disaster a bit of a visual mess, but I’m pretty optimistic about Illustrator’s learning curve and ease of use.

The image above is (as always!) clickable & hopefully functional. I’m not much of an orange fan, but there are some pretty pinky-peaches and light apricots in through the collection, too — a little something for everyone, unlike some of this year’s other Summer collections!
Hope your weeks are off to a great start (even if Mondays are always a bit of a drag).