I couldn’t decide if this was a YOU or a TMI, because it’s really a bit of both… so I labelled it as both.
How young is too young for…
- Wearing makeup?
- Having sex?
- Moving out? (And we don’t mean “going away for college but coming home to visit”)
- Voting and drinking?
Discuss in the comments! Here are my answers; I recognize that I’m fairly liberal, and but no means want to start any fights. If your ages are lower, higher, or even the same, I’m just curious as to why!
- Wearing makeup? Twelve-ish (that’s around the seventh grade, right?) for a little bit of lippie or perhaps mascara for a special occasion, like school photos or a birthday party. Sixteenish for all else, and NO AGE IS A GOOD AGE when it comes to eighties porn-star makeup ;) No one wants to see those overnude, overglossed lips and clumpy mascara!
- Having sex? Sixteen, though I know it’ll vary a lot from person to person — it just depends on emotional development and blah blah blah. The argument is that at sixteen you’re not ready for that kind of commitment, or that you’ll be irresponsible… I call bullshit. There are teenagers that shouldn’t be having sex, sure, but there are also twentysomethings that shouldn’t.
- Moving out? I’m not even going to touch this one, because each family has its own issues and hell — some of them are really serious. The government says sixteen, and I say “fine”. I think you should be out by the time you’re thirty, but I also think there’s no shame in returning home if you need to for a while.
- Voting and drinking? Seventeen and eighteen respectively.