
Addicts, anyone?

I love me some MU just as much as the next junkie – however, some girls are completely unreasonable in their MAC obsessions! I think it’s great to find a brand you love and are loyal to, but $100 for a LE item (I’m not joking – after the first Petticoat release, they were selling for this much on Ebay!) is ridiculous! Think about what $100 could do aside from buy a blusher – a hundred bags of chips, 2000 five-cent candies, about six scarves, a pair of jeans or two, a winter coat (or maybe just half a winter coat, depending), ten low-end blushers, a set of (nice) brushes…

So anyhow, this Friday’s question is: What brands are you unreasonably addicted to? Yes, all you MAC junkies, I’m looking at you. And also all you Korean-beauty-brand junkies.

On the contrary there is this question: What is your opinion of crazy-ass makeup lovers? This one’s for all you non-MU girls out there!! I’d love to know what you think of us, and prove you wrong. Because, honestly, we’re more than pretty made-up faces. I’ve met a ton of girls that are makeup-obsessed who also happen to be unbelievably kind and cleaver (However, I’ve also met a lot of makeup-obsessed girls that are pretty bitches, unfortunately)


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