Normally, I write up something huge and put in in backlog. Today, though? Nope!! I finished this on the weekend and I was just so excited about it that I had to show it to you guys STAT!!
So anyhow… here’s the preface: I had an old stick of concealer in tube form that was getting kind of ugly. So… I melted it and put it into an empty 5-gram jar. Why is this tut so exciting, then? You guys seemed so excited about the last one that I got excited too – and drew on the pictures!! Let me know if you love it or hate it. It takes a while, but if you guys like it, I’ll get the hang of it eventually!
This tutorial works on the same general concept as the last one, but is, as you will see, is infinitely cooler.
Tutorial: Making a pot concealer (or lipstick, chapstick, etc)
- Candle
- (matches, to light it)
- Metal spoon
- Something to melt (I’m melting my CoverGirl concealer in Neutralizer… yes, I am so fair that I use a colour correcter to match my skin tone, lol!!)
- Something to hold it in (In this case, a Costal Scents 5g jar. Best price I could find, black lids just like I wanted, and shipping to Canada doesn’t cost an arm and two organs!!)
- An old magazine or newspaper, just in case you make a mess!
Step one: Shave some product off the stick if you only want to do a partial melt, or pop out the whole thing and centre it on the spoon.
Step two: Melt. Keep the spoon a few inches above the candle – the heat will be enough, so don’t touch your spoon to the flame!! I move the spoon as it melts, to swirl the product around a little and help it melt evenly. If you’re working with a smaller amount, though, you don’t need to worry about this.Step three: Pour the melted product from the spoon to the container. I wiped the excess from the spoon into the container, using my finger as a spatula (ick!) Use a real mini spatula if you’d like, or just skip that part altogether. DO use a tissue to wipe the excess off before washing, though, and use makeup remover to wash the spoon first, if dish soap isn’t doing the trick!
Step three-point-five: If you only did a partial melt, take your original stick of concealer/lipstick/etc and rotate it briskly over the flame, at least two inches away from it. This will give you a nice shiny finish – but remember, too close and you’ll just melt the product away!
Step four: See? Only four steps, and you’re done! This took a whole ten minutes to do, and I’m loving the new form – I always use a brush anyways, and the tube was such a hassle (not to mention, I broke the lid)
Remelt with a blow-dryer as often as you wish to get an even finish again. I use this concealer much more often, now – it just seems so much more accessible! I got my pot concealer that I wanted, without all the hassle of finding a new pot concealer in my shade :)