Sometimes, when people say things, I listen. Rarely, but — sometimes!
Case in point? This holiday season, I’m taking a few days off to rest & relax with my family (which, if you knew me, is pretty much unprecedented). I’ll have a new post up on Christmas as my gift to you–it’s a really good one, so don’t miss it!–but for the rest of the week, I leave you with this: a giveaway.
mika for shu nail stickers
Hourglass 0.5mm gel liner & Annabelle lip pencil (not the same one you’ll be receiving, of course!)
Enter now to win a Hourglass 0.5mm Mechanical Gel Liner, a package of Mika for Shu nail stickers, and (my favourite) Annabelle Cosmetics TwistUp Retractable Lipstick in Cherry. This giveaway is open internationally to everyone over 18, and closes on New Year’s Eve!
I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season with your family (or friends, or pets, or bed), dear reader. I will see you on the flipside!
(Well, or on Thursday. You’ll definitely see me then, but I might not see you.)