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June 2021

    HAVN Life non-magic mushrooms and smooth skin: theNotice’s Father’s Day Gift Guide 2021

    fathers day 2021 gift picks

    I didn’t think I’d be putting together a Father’s Day gift guide for 2021 that involved (non-psychedelic) HAVN Life shrooms and the in-shower facial of my dreams, but what can I say? Sometimes life comes at you fast.

    Get this for your husband/boyfriend/lover/self

    There are few things that the men in my life have loved more than the Aveeno Positively Radiant 60 Second In-Shower Facial ($13 CAD). Maybe my Mini Egg chocolate chip cookies, and definitely my tagliatelle carbonara, and perhaps something unspeakable that I may or may not do in the bedroom, but that’s it. This exfoliating mask isn’t marketed towards men, but in my opinion, it’s one of the single best products out there for skincare-lazy, heteronormative cis men.

    aveeno positively radiant in shower facial review

    The 60 Second In-Shower Facial is exactly what it sounds like. You slap it on for about a minute in the shower and rinse off for insanely soft, supple skin. It’s breathtakingly easy to use, simple enough that it won’t threaten anyone’s toxic masculinity, and a hundred times more effective than St. Ives. It does more in sixty seconds than some facials do in an hour, so you get to enjoy a partner with amazing skin—and they get to keep lording their three-minute showers over you.

    This silicone-free chemical exfoliator is super cheap (at time of publishing, it was on sale for $8.99 CAD at Shopper’s) and uses a mild glycolic acid for gentle, incredible exfoliation. I’ve switched to it since running out of both my Cane + Austin Glycolic Acid Scrub and Paula’s Choice RESIST Foam, and I have to say: it gives me smoother skin than either one, despite being a 1/3 of the price.

    I recommend the Aveeno Positively Radiant 60 Second In-Shower Facial ($13 CAD) for everyone, but I specifically love it for treating keratosis pilaris and rough, dehydrated Alberta complexions!

    skincare for men 2021 silicone free

    More men’s skincare to round out a regimen

    Maybe the cis men I’ve dated have just been too heteronormative, but rough foreheads have tended to come with one other issue: Man Stank™. It happens to many of us, across all genders, but it’s definitely a particular issue only for some.

    To treat Man Stank™, I recommend a three-pronged approach: ball-friendly stick or cream deodorant, an intimate wash, and a fresh-smelling moisturizer. I’ve been testing all three of these products on myself this June, and so far, I like them.

    clarins men energizing gel 2021

    The Clarins Men Energizing Gel ($35 USD) has a bright, woody fragrance that’s very Clarins-y, with super cool packaging and the world’s handsomest spokesmodel. (He’s a famous football player, a baker’s son, and a medical doctor. Like, what?!) I love the Energizing Gel for a lightweight moisturizer that literally can’t spill in your gym bag, and I can personally attest that it somehow manages to hydrate my dehydrated skin overnight.

    Lavido’s tea tree enriched Intimately Yours Wash ($24 USD) is great for all genitals and problem areas (that includes the underarm), and I’ve been testing the dry-touch Mother Dirt probiotic deodorant to pair—I really like that it’s silicone-free, so it won’t break me out.

    Find heaven with HAVN Life mushrooms & good posture

    These last two Father’s Day picks are… a little unusual. You know that guy in your life who’s always a little amped up on coffee and somehow finds a way to see god in a computer and occasionally just bursts through the front doors and announces that you’re going to Italy? These picks are for that guy.

    havn life review rhodiola relief mind mushroom

    For his physical work setup, we have a foam footrest from ErgoFoam that offers four levels of support. Its removable bottom and upside-down/rightside-up design gives you plenty of options to get the height just right. I’m also toying with the idea of a split keyboard (well, one for each of us, really), but that sounds like a 2022 thing to me!

    Then, for his work frame of mind, we have a couple of very cool new supplements from HAVN Life. HAVN Life has two sides: a supplement branch that produces non-psychedelic, vegan mushroom capsules, and a side that’s building research and product lines in the psychedelic space for therapeutic use. As someone who’s always been very interested in therapist-guided psychedelics for mental health wellbeing, I’m so excited to see where the company goes!

    Right now, we’re testing Mind Mushroom (for immunity and energy balance) and Rhodiola Relief (for mental fatigue and stress relief). Each bottle contains a 20-90 day supply, depending on your desired dose, and runs at about $50 CAD.

    What’s on the menu for your dad this Father’s Day?

    Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post were supplied by PR for editorial consideration only. (Thrilled to have somehow ended up in a field where people send me non-psychedelic mushrooms???) This post contains affiliate links.
