Just a few follow-up photos to past reviews, today – answers to questions and requests that came to my notice while I was sorting though an old folder of photos.
From late last year: a full-face swatch of MAC Desire, seen also here.
For a question left on a very old Marcelle review: a comparison of Marcelle’s two loose face powders, Translucent and Translucent Medium. They’re on paper rather than skin for less undertone interference; I hope it helps differentiate between the two!
And, finally, from last month: a full-face swatch of Physician’s Formula’s pH Matchmaster gloss in Light Pink, my current favourite lip product.
Feel free to add any additional questions or requests in the comments! Additionally, I’m going to go ahead and apologize in advance for next week – posting might get a bit patchy with Winter term finals. theNotice should be back to normal by next weekend, though, so I’ll talk to you then!