theNotice - FaceFront Lust Quest pigments: review, swatches (part one) - theNotice

FaceFront Lust Quest pigments: review, swatches (part one)

I really shouldn’t need two posts to cover just six pigments, but… it’s me, so I kinda do. Not that I have a ton to say about them, of course (at least, no more than usual), but I’d feel bad jamming fifteen photos into one post and crashing all the slow computers out there :P

The product: FaceFront Cosmetics Lust Quest Artistic Pigments

I really loved some of the shades in this collection, but I found most of them to be too sheer for my tastes. Which makes sense, seeing as translucent colours usually trend during the summer, but… I want my pigment, darn it!

Mouse Grey (matte) – smooth medium grey. Of the six shadows, this was the most disappointing… it’s absolutely lovely in the pot, and fairly pretty swatched, but isn’t nearly opaque enough in execution! The colour buffs away really quickly, almost disappearing, and goes on a bit patchy.

Silver Fox (ultra-steel) – dry, almost gritty silver touched with lilac. It’s strange to work with something this dry (it’s almost all glitter, with very little pigment base), but I’m very fond of the effect it gives. It’s a sort of watery, wet finish, which doesn’t translate well in a photo but looks just lovely in real life!

La La Lilac (steel) – blue-violet shimmer on a red-violet base. This is strikingly similar to an old favourite of mine, Annabelle Violet Vibe. Though – I believe this is more sheer, and perhaps a shade lighter. Both La La Lilac and Violet Vibe blend out a bit more than I’d like, but they’re absolutely stunning. I’ll post some comparison pics soon!

The verdict?

Overall, I haven’t been as impressed with the Lust Quest shadows as I was with the Ouro Fino ones – I think there was a touch too much shimmer (and a touch too little pigment) for my tastes. There are definitely some gems in the collection, though, so don’t write it off entirely! Plus, I do love how FaceFront kind of “amps up” their packaging with cute, collection-specific details (in this case, the silver hearts).

Skip Mouse Grey (no matter how pretty a shade, it’s too sheer of a matte to get in my good books), buy Silver Fox (for a gorgeous wet finish, if you’re okay with some fallout), and try La La Lilac (if you can’t get your hands on Violet Vibe, or if you, like me, hate the packaging of Annabelle’s Mineral Pigment Dusts).

Mouse Grey

Silver Fox

La La Lilac

Swatches from L-R: Mouse Grey, Silver Fox, and La La Lilac

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