Alright so I really wanted to do this tag but I haven’t a tumblr account, so I’m posting it here! I actually hadn’t meant to create it at all; I was just going to see what three things I’d come up with and leave it at that… but then they were all so awesome that I couldn’t not do it.
The prompt:
- Go to wikipedia, click random article. That is your band name.
- Go to, click random quote, the last 4 words of the last quote is the album title.
- Go to flickr, the 3rd picture in “Interesting photos from the last 7 days” is your album cover.
- Go to paint, paintbrush, photoshop, ect and make your album.
And of course, the credits: meme found on saniday’s tumblr (which I love), Wikipedia, Random Quotes, and Jason Wright-St Clair (what a gorgeous photo!)

What would yours be? If you create one of your own, I’d love to see the link in the comments! Or, if you’d rather just provide links to your three results (Wiki, Quotations Page, and Flickr), that works too ;)