theNotice - Skip this Fix from NIP+FAB - theNotice

Skip this Fix from NIP+FAB

What it is: NIP+FAB Scrub Fix Facial Polish

The line: Created by Maria Hatzistefanis, the brains behind Rodial, NIP+FAB is landing on Canadian shores after gaining popularity in the UK. It launches in March (which, frighteningly enough, is just over a week away), and it’s kinda like Rodial’s little sister – each of the eleven piece line is a “targeted treatment,” but instead of snake venom and silver tubes, you get cute, quirky packaging and a price tag you can actually stomach.

The product: To be totally honest, Scrub Fix was a huge letdown for me. The scrubbly bits (that’s the technical term) are large, hard, and sharp, and it feels more like they’re chewing up my epidermis than gently sloughing off dead skin cells.

Normally, when a scrub is this abrasive, I just chuck it in the shower and use it on my body, and I’m not out an entire product. Not so, with this one – the scent drives me nuts, so it’s probably off to the bin later this week. Upon an initial whiff, the smell’s not that bad: it’s a bit like linden blossoms, which I quite like, but the lingering odour is more similar to “floor cleaner” than “clean floral”.

The ingredients:

The verdict? While I love the packaging and think the brand’s outlook is pretty cool, I just can’t get on board with this scrub. There’s usually one or two redeeming qualities to any product (which is why you so rarely see “bad” reviews on theNotice), but for this one, it’s just a huge no.

In fact, I feel so strongly about this product that I’ve gone and re-named it…

So, to our readers in the UK – have you tried NIP+FAB yet? Any winners in the line? I do have a Multi-Fix Oil that’s I’m hopeful for, so expect an update soon if that one wows me!

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