Carrie Underwood is looking amaaazing! I absolutely LOVE the dress, the hair, and the makeup… oh, the rare celeb hat trick! I honestly don’t have a single complaint, and for a crabbypants like myself, that says a ton.
Seriously. AMAZING!
Of course, eternal love for Heidi ;) I wasn’t a fan of the dress, though… can we say epic boobage?!
(Yes, I know I don’t have a photo of the dress here. It hurt my eyes. Go google it sometime when there are no children in the room if you’re really that interested.)

Lea, Lea, Lea. You know, you usually annoy the hell out of me kind of annoy me. But oh my goodness — not tonight! I love the daring dress (that I personally could never pull off; jealous!) as well as your flawless hair and makeup. You got it right this time, girl. ♥!

Image credits: many non-me sources.