So remember a week or two ago, when I fell in love with Lancome’s Voile de Rose, after seeing Temptalias swatches? (below) Well, unable to allow myself to spend $35 on a lippie I knew I’d just wear for a season… I decided it was time to dupe it.
The first time, the lip swatches came out just terribly. However, the arm swatch follows! It does appear more peach than Voile, but due to the fact that it’s mainly gloss-based, it’s less opaque (meaning the pink tones in your lips come through more.) This one consisted of Lancome’s Aplum blush patted over MAC’s Fresco Cream Colour Base, and topped with Stila’s Vanilla lip glaze.
The second time I tried to dupe this lip, I had a lot more success, both with the resulting colour and with the photographs! I figured what the hey, I may as well try to dupe a Lancome lip with, well, more Lancome. So I layered just two things this time, Petticoat Pink (a cream blush) and Floralesque (a shimmery peachy-pink shadow.) I definitely didn’t come too close to the creamy gorgeousness of Voile de Rose, but it’s close enough to keep me happy!
(The combination did prove to be drying, though, so I ended up topping with some clear gloss. The colour accuracy of the photo below, by the way, is much better than the accuracy of the photo above.).jpg)