
Beautiful Blogger award

Umm… yah. So I’ve been tagged a number of times for this one, and I still haven’t done it! :/ Sorry. Thank you so much to all the wonderful bloggers who tagged me, and here goes nothing!7 things about me, which I’ve themed because I’m not nearly creative enough to come up with a list of seven unrelated things:

  1. I am kind of addicted to kettle corn, as of late. None of the carmel-y sticky stuff, though — just the sugared-and-salted kind you’d find at your farmer’s market.
  2. Some people eat ice cream when they’re upset. I’m lactose intolerant (that totally counts as something about me,) so…
  3. I bake. A lot.
  4. I honestly believe that the best dark chocolate you’ll ever find in North America must be found within a silver Lindt wrapper. (Or, if it’s one of the very large bricks, in a gold wrapper.)
  5. I do not believe that poutine is better in all of Quebec. However, if you’re ever in Tadoussac, there’s this adorable little hole in the wall with amazing poutine… spicy and heavy on the cheese!
  6. If I could eat the best food in the entire world for the rest of my life, but I’d have to be fifty pounds heavier to do so — hell, I’d sign myself right up for that!
  7. I’m a closet foodie. Obviously.

7 bloggers who I’m tagging:
  • Seriously? No way! Tag yourselves, you’re all gorgeous if you ask me =D If you do want to accept your award and tell the interwebs seven of your deepest, darkest secrets things about you, go ahead. And make sure to send the link my way in this comment thread, because I want to read those posts!
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