theNotice - The "R" in Christmas is for "red lipstick". Duh! - theNotice

The "R" in Christmas is for "red lipstick". Duh!

Estee Lauder Futurist Lip Treatment in 10 Forward Fig.
Here’s a messy swatch on unlined lips: (hey, when you’re doing five different lipsticks at once, you really stop caring if you’re inside the lines. Just be glad it’s within an inch of my lip line!)

Overall, I think this is a pretty warm, brownish-red. It’s not too va-va-vroom and not too drying (though it isn’t exactly moisturising.) It’s also fairly opaque and decently creamy; my only complaint is that the wear on this isn’t fantastic. If you’re going to be speed-eating tarts or knocking back eggnogg shots, stay away from this lippie!
Great if: you’re bold enough to wear red out of the house, but you don’t want to feel like you’re under a magnifying glass. It’s very Estee — classy and stunning, but not begging for attention.

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