I seriously contemplated not posting these photos, because a lot of them sucked. It was dark, late, and my camera was being pathetic.
However, I knew I would never get away with not posting Halloween makeup photos. So, I clicked away with colour balance and brightness and airbrushing for a while, and here are a couple that are half-decent. I didn’t have much time, so I went with tried and true — face swirlies :P I’m itching to do some mask makeup, but I need to wait for a sunny day so I can take some decent photographs!!I can’t remember exactly what I used, but I’ll guess:
Definitely NYX Milk as a base.MUFE 92, obviously!
Senna Intrigue, perhaps?
Either Lancome Creme Lustre or MAC Vanilla. I have no clue.
Lancome Artliner in Noir and Urban Decay 24/7 in Zero. I remember using both and having to explain to mother why they weren’t interchangeable.
Smashbox Midnight Black eye shadow to set the 24/7 on the waterline.Face
Smashbox Smoke to contour. Don’t try this at home, unless you’re a contouring whiz! I love it, but it’s a grey shadow — which makes it a) super-gorgeous, and b) very easy to overdo, unless contouring is second nature to you.
Stila Oil-Free foundation, shade B (do NOT love how this photographs! Enlarge images and check out my nosebridge — major whiteness. I also touched-up some acne scars with Photoshop, because this didn’t cover the way I want it to. Will review later for y’all!)
TheBalm Time Balm, Lighter Than Light. Plus also possibly Boots No. 7 Illuminating Concealer, under my eyes? I can’t remember, but those two are what I usually use.
Nada. I was going to be eating dinner while handing out treats, so I didn’t bother :P I *think* I put on clear-finish (non-shimmery) light shade afterwards, though.