I’m pretty angry with the fact that MAC 3D glitter isn’t eye-safe. I mean… it’s so pretty. That’s just unfair! Yah, I’m still going to use it for looks (some of which are upcoming!) but I don’t think I’ll devote myself to it with quite as much vigor as I was planning to.
In comes a saviour!
What it is: Annabelle‘s Glitterama liner, in Plutonium.GLITTER BITS!!!: Plutonium is, like 3D Silver, a bunch of silver glitter bits that give the most gorgeous reflects. See, that’s what I really adore about silver glitter — the reflects aren’t just one colour, they’re every colour! I could sit and stare at silver glitter for hours. And I have.
Oh hey, ingredients:
Water, Glycerine, Glyceryl Polyacrylate, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Polyethelene Terephtalate
Sticky mess of glue? Or smooth sailing?: Of course, because this is a liner rather than a glitter powder, Plutonium glitter is suspended in glitter-liner-medium, I suppose you’d call it. It’s clear and comfortable, though! If you want a glitter liner with colour, either try a different one or layer this one over another liner. (Which I do, and it works well!) It does take a little long to dry for my liking, but the staying power is incredible enough to make it worth it. Plus, that means you can take tweezers and poke at individual glitter bits to move them around if you desire!
(Yah, I’m really specific about where I like my glitter. You wanna fight about it?!)
Let’s not be blind: Unlike my beloved 3D Silver, Plutonium is eye-safe. No, it’s not because MAC has decided to dip its products into arsenic or anyting sinister like that… it’s just that Plutonium glitter bits are smaller. Which makes them less pretty, but for a “normal” non-photoshoot look, it’s a small price to pay for not scratching the hell out of your cornea.
Awkward photo of Plutonium vs 3D Silver glitter bits! Man, I wish I had a camera that could focus on stuff like this. That would be awesome.The verdict? At $7.95/each, these are definitely worth looking at the next time you’re at Shopper’s. And they go on sale super-often, so if you wait a week or two, you should be able to get yours for about $6! Love.