I tried to wait as long as possible to post this, because after trying it out a couple times, I simply refused to believe anything could be this awesome. I figured that nothing (not even me!) is this perfect. There had to be some strange side-effect!
But it is. And it doesn’t even make your lips fall off. Which, bee-tee-dubs, is a total bonus.

(what it looks like after four hours or so, or if you only put a tiny bit on)
Colour: Yah, so I kinda just went over this. But whatever, because it’s so incredible that I feel no guilt on covering the topic again. It’s a coral-y magenta-pink that has freaking amazing pigmentation… I can put a tiny dot of this in the middle of my lips and spread it out for a nice stain, or apply a “normal person’s” amount of gloss for major impact (below). It has similar undertones as my lips, but just looks… better.
Finally, packaging: Simple and sturdy! Normal doe-foot applicator, and I like that the tube mimics a squeeze-gloss rather than a lipstick — it means you can get out every last drop, which I promise you will want to do!The verdict? Holy grail, people. I absolutely love this! A tube is $7.95, but like a lot of other Annabelle products, is usually on sale for about $6. Let’s just put it this way to get the message across: I would hate Annabelle if they hiked up the price to $20, but I love it so much that I’d totally still buy it.
I have my eye on the regular Le Gloss (the “Star” part of the name indicates glitter) in Breathless. I’m always on the lookout for a nice baby pink nude, so here’s to hoping this is it!