We’ve all wanted it — searched hours and hours for it. The perfect (perfect!) true red.
Guess what? I’ve found it, for my lips at least!What it is: Paula Dorf Carousel
Colour: I don’t even know where to begin. It doesn’t make my teeth look yellow or my face sallow, it’s just blue enough, it brightens up everything… you know what? Just check out these incredibly accurate lip swatches. It’s so great it even makes my crap camera focus well!Texture: Sure, as a lipliner it’s not the most moisturising thing you have, but this pencil is incredibly creamy. Incredibly. It gets used up more quickly than any of my other liners, in part because it’s so gorgeous and in part because the creaminess allows me to wear it as an opaque all-over lip colour. (I do use liners instead of lipstick a lot with darker colours; however, I usually sheer them out more. But not this one!! Why would I sheer out this gorgeous gal?!)
Man, I just realized I talk to my lip products and that they’re feminine. That’s totally weird.
Anyhow — if you haven’t checked out Carousel yet, do so!