That’s right. Not only do you have to be smooth, nowadays you have to be shiny as well :P
What is it: Aura Science’s Shine glosses. Discontinued, so this’ll be short! After all, hemlines rise while the economy falls, right? If you remember, I’m also in love with their two-layered Reflect glosses. I love these more, though!! (But the Reflect applicators were way cooler.)
(Stop that. The economy is an excuse to wear a cute miniskirt, not to pretend that shirt is a dress. WEAR PANTS… leggings don’t count!)

So photo is a little too orange.
I’ll let the photos do the talking.
The verdict? If you stumble across these in sale threads, definitely go for them. If not, don’t fret! I’m posting this today because I found a new gloss yesterday that I love just as much — honestly — as I love these. But I’m keeping the name and brand to myself until I post it… I promise I won’t leave you in suspense for too long!!