Everyone run and hide – the swine flu is going to get you!!
Well, no, not really. But I’ll take anything that can serve as an excuse for buying a new hand sanitizer. That, clearly, is the meaning of life… new cleaning products. This is what OCD is like, kids. Maybe running and hiding isn’t such a bad plan!
Product: X3 clean‘s new spray hand sanitizer.Why it’s so freaking awesome: Well, for starters, it’s alcohol-free and therefore non-drying. Then we get into the awesome packaging (isn’t that cute?!) with it’s kickass lid-free sealing method (see photos below). From there, you find out that it’s completely scent free and unlike most other hand sanitizers, it doesn’t taste bad.
Yes, I licked my hand after using it. Just a little, though. Not like [*LICK*!] but more of a suspicious [pokes tongue with finger].
For about $2, this little guy is perfect for throwing into your purse – plus, at 8mL, it’s small enough to get through airport security! I know I’ll have mine with me all summer long, especially as I’ll be travelling. Trust me, if you’re in a foreign city and there is no sink to be found, this will be damn handy before you try to eat your snack.X3 Clean mainly makes foaming sanitizers, which is to say, the same stuff but it comes out as a foam rather than a liquid! The larger sizes are all foams rather than sprays. From the 75mL “personal size” foamer or 250mL “countertop” to the 1L “dispenser cartridge” (think public bathroom) and 4L refill… they’ve got pretty much everyone covered.
Also: do you prefer the black backdrop or the normal white? Feedback would be very greatly appreciated!!