No one likes an oompa loompa tan – but there’s certainly something that can be said for it. (Aside from “tacky”, of course.)
I’ve finally decided that I cannot single-handedly erase the public opinion that tanned is good. I can, of course, still stand tall on my soapbox and preach about it: super-tan is not super-healthy. Beautiful does not have to be bronze.That said, I support fake tanning. I still don’t think being tan is a necessity, but I support getting bronzed in your bathroom – does that make sense? So, while I still think a bad bottle-bronze looks tacky and awful, I feel a strange sense of support for it.
Well, while bronze may not say beautiful, orangeish says that you’re too smart to let the sun roast away your epidermis just so you won’t be pale. With self-tanners and bronzers, you can slather on the SPF, keep yourself safe, and still look as bronzed as you want. Orangeish means that you don’t have to risk your health just to be tan.And this is why I support fake tanning.
(But seriously, guys. If you’re so orange I want to eat you — you need to lay off the GlowFusion.)