theNotice - Hard letdown - theNotice

Hard letdown

Nivea Soft, you are my Holy Grail no more.

I thought you were the answer. I thought your annoying scent, which turned into a much-welcomed one after only days, was the solution. I thought the way you didn’t make my t-zone oil up the way Olay did was heaven, and I thought that the soft, hydrated skin you left behind was forever. I thought it was true love!

And then you went and clogged my pores, you cheating bastard.


In short, Nivea Soft = pore-clogging mess. I started breaking out a couple of weeks after starting to use this, but I persisted – it was the only thing hydrating enough! But after my skin didn’t clear up (and you know my skin. It tends to be quite clear!) I gave in, and stopped using Soft.

Yes, I’m sure that it was in fact the moisturiser, and not something else. I used it for over a month, and in that period my skin started acting up. I let it go on for about two weeks before switching off Nivea and back to Olay. Two and a half weeks later, and my skin is pretty clear again, aside from the scars it left behind! I’m very thorough – it drives me nuts when people think the moisturiser they’ve tried for two days has given them acne.

Any recommendations for something to help fade those scars would be wonderful! Albeit there are only six little scars, but it’s more than I’ve ever really had to deal with at once…

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