Guess who found picturse of her Costal Scents haul from before Christmas?
That’s right – me. Enjoy the photos and I’m not going to bother with text at this point x.x
The silica was a mess in the ziploc bag they put the container in, so I transferred some into an empty EDM jar (with a sifter, not pictured), cleaned thoroughly beforehand of course! I definitely recommend doing this is you buy their silica powder – you’ll get most of it all over your house instead of on your face if you don’t!
Synthetic liner brush and eyelash comb. The comb’s lovely in that you only have one set of metal bristles to clean – no annoying brow brush on the other side! If you can tell from the closer photo, the teeth on the comb aren’t of fabulous quality, but it gets the job done and is cheap cheap cheap!
Pink kabuki for mom! I convinced her she should keep some mineral foundation around for when she does her face to go out (a rare occasion, happening only once every year or so). She’s been thinking about having some around, and I thought minerals would be a good choice, as they’re lightweight, EM samples are free, and they keep forever if you don’t contaminate them in any way.
I have yet to teach her how to properly apply them by herself, though ^^ She tried using her fingers the first time – it was so cute!
And a lovely sample they threw in. It was “meh” and ended up as an extra in someone else’s package *shrugs*
(I forgot to take pictures of my five gram jars and spatuals, but hey: they’re not that interesting anyways!)