
Six Things meme

Tagged by Amanda over at Cusp of Normal, though you may know her as Mermanda (because she’s cool like that, lol!)

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their w


1. I keep a dream diary. Yup… that’s me. The most recent entry had something to do with an underground network beneath my school, cults, and being trapped in said underground network which somehow linked with Chinatown. Also, the rooms were small and white with low ceilings.

2. My pastime, aside from blogging, would probably be photoshop. Not ma
king things pretty and doing collages, though – I airbrush in my free time. (Send me photos if you want them done! I’m getting so bored of working with the same faces over and over again.) Lame? Yes. But I’m pretty damn good at it for a newbie with zero training, not to mention I don’t even have CS and a pen-mouse-thing. (!!!see bottom)

3. I made a blueberry flan once and it tasted like foam to me. Everyone else loved it, though, so I guess it couldn’t have been that bad. It just seemed so frothy and soapy…

4. Two of my favourite fruits are white nectarines and white peaches but I rarely-if-ever eat nectarines and peaches.

5. I love a good London Fog but sometimes they taste like dirty dishwater when they’re not made perfectly. Dirty. Warm. Sudsy. Dishwater. Ew.

6. Quirk – I find it very hard to sit like a normal person. I’m almost always either crossing my legs (the normal way) or I’m cross-legged (the five-year-old way). School desks make the latter difficult at times; however because of my diminutive stature they often almost accommodate it. Unlike my sister, though, I can at the least touch the ground with my feet.

And now! I tag the amazing ladies behind:
a watercolour sky
blah.suzie (Suzie)
Snark Scribe
all the pretty shimmers (Audrie)
Fabulously Broke in the City (so FB can open tag the rest of the world ^^)

Best Face Forward (Melanie)

!!! from #2
My current project follows. I was trying for pure, gorgeous (yet age appropriate… sorta) with strong themes of anonymous beauty. Tired, but with a spark that’s glowing so brightly it hurts. They’re not done yet, though, so please don’t be harsh! Click to enlarge. (And yes, Grace, that is me.)
Also: borders or no borders? They all have the black up/down borders in photoshop but I’m not sure if I like them more with/without. Speak to me!

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