They sell more clothes in the retail industry. Like, actually. -shakes head- Click here for the CBC article.
Trends found: Bubble skirt White/black only Asymmetrical skirt front Longer skirt back Drastic side part Curled hair Headband-like halo of…
30% off Vincent Longo (when purchased off their website) until December 24th.
2000 edition; the flyleaf is a little worn, but the pages and binding are pristine. Price? $4. *grin*
Here are the correct answers for this photo collage… 1. Chanel2. Nars – Siren Song. I love this model, for…
I love her on Heroes. I love her (narrative) on Gossip Girl. However, she usually runs around looking like a…
Click here to go to the Stila online warehouse sale. (Don’t you love that I check these things for you?)…
I’m thinking about becoming a convert (I’ve actually never gone MAC before), seeing as I need concealer. Desperately. Free shipping…
35% off your Tarte order in December!! Have to study.
Unheard apopogy
I was a pretentious b*tch today. This is what four hours of sleep, whining friends (read: tna) and no time…